Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment

Let's just start this by saying it straight out. Chemotherapy drugs are poison and should be avoided at all costs when trying to cure yourself of cancer. Countless doctors and drug companies around the world would argue that point to the bitter end, but that doesn't make it any less true. In fact, certain polls and questionnaires show that upwards of 75% of doctors would refuse the very chemo drugs they prescribe for you. Isn't that interesting?

Chemo Kills...Everything

The problem with chemotherapy is it's extremely toxic nature. It will obliterate cancer cells and will also obliterate healthy cells. It's a killing machine. If your body is able to survive, if the cancer is gone before you are, then it's deemed a success. Ever hear of so and so passing away from complications due to colon cancer, or lung cancer, or whatever cancer? What do you think that means? They were poisoned, my friend. Now, how in the holy hell can you expect to eradicate this condition and restore yourself to health with poison? It's ridiculous!

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment

Add to its toxicity the fact that chemotherapy generally has a very low five year survival rate, and the fact that chemo becomes less and less effective as you go along, and you can begin to see why it's never a good choice. Anyone who has undergone chemotherapy also knows that there can be terrible side effects that go far beyond nausea and hair loss.

It's All About the Money

So...why would any self respecting doctor prescribe for you a "treatment" that poisons your healthy cells, has awful side effects, and a poor record of success? One word. Money! Cancer management, I hesitate to call it treatment, rakes in billions and billions of dollars every year. We've been duped by the medical establishment, and the media to believe these ridiculous treatments actually make a difference. There's no money in natural treatments. Drug companies can't patent a plant or an herb. And we're the ones who end up suffering.

The Key To Success

Some experts even go so far as to say that cancer really isn't a disease at all. It's a symptom, or result of some imbalance happening inside your body. The key is to treat the underlying causes of the problem, and the problem will no longer exist. That may be simplifying it a little, but not by much. Cancer lives and thrives in certain environments. It loves low oxygen levels. It loves high acidity. It loves sugar. It grows and feeds off sugar. It loves a weakened immune system. If you change the environment to one where cancer simply cannot survive, it will no longer feel the need to live inside your body. Killing cancer cells without harming healthy cells is the key to success.

Despite what anyone, and I mean anyone tells you, cancer is cured by natural means all the time. There's a whole world of gentle, non-toxic treatments out there that will do what chemotherapy never could. All you have to do is take action.

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment
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