Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Interesting Facts About Cancer

Cancer is a very broad term that includes more than 200 known illnesses with their own unique symptoms and treatments. The type of cancer you have will determine the treatment you undergo. Knowing as much about what causes it along with interesting facts about cancer gives you the best chances of beating it.

Cancer is a word used to describe a disease caused by uncontrollable growth of mutated and abnormal cells anywhere in the body. Normal, healthy cells receive messages that tell them when to reproduce and when to die off.

When this doesn't happen, the extra abnormal cells band together and create a mass or cancerous tissue known as a malignant tumor. Once the tumor is large enough to diagnose, chances are some damage has already been done.

Interesting Facts About Cancer

Interesting Facts About Cancer

When a cancerous growth cannot be detected, it is known as "The Silent Period." A traditional x-ray can detect a cancer mass once it has reached 1 cm, but that same mass can already contain billions of cancer cells.

Patients have to be aware of other interesting facts about cancer and warning signs of the disease.

Knowing these may help increase your chances of surviving a cancer diagnosis.
Cancer deaths are more than those caused by malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS combined. The leading types of cancer in men are stomach, prostate and lung cancers. The leading types in women are breast, colon and cervical cancer. One of the rare types of cancer in adult black males is Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells. Nearly 20,000 people die of cancer every day. People who have a high acid forming diet or lifestyle are at an increased risk for developing cancer. Families of children with leukemia are three times as likely to have used a professional exterminator before their children were age two. If you have a root canal or tooth extraction and the periodontal ligament is left behind, you are at an increased risk for developing cancer. Cancer cells are anaerobic and do not need oxygen to survive. The cells have a protective protein coating on them which is part of the reason why they are so hard to kill. There are more than 200 different anti-carcinogenic compounds in common citrus fruits - these help to prevent a host of diseases occurring. Eye cancer retinoblastoma is a rare eye disease that occurs in children generally before the age of five. It is often referred to as Rb. Left untreated, it is fatal. One of the early symptoms of kidney cancer is high blood pressure. The states with the highest incidence of cancer risks are the District of Columbia, Kentucky and Louisiana. The states with the lowest risk incidences are Utah, Hawaii and Idaho. Cruciferous vegetables have "indoles" in them, which can reduce the size of tumors and cancer cells. Smegma, the cheese-like substance that appears under the foreskin of male genitalia is a possible indicator of penile cancer. Red splotches or patches on the face that appear and then disappear may be one of the symptoms of cancer of the face. If pancreatic enzymes are low, the chances for developing the disease are significantly increased. Almost all cases of male breast cancer start around the nipple area Chemotherapy, one of the big three standard treatments for cancer, is a by-product of mustard gas. It only takes one serious sunburn for skin to begin developing cancerous lesions. Obesity is a related cause of prostate cancer, along with many other types of the disease.

Getting to your doctor as soon as you notice any signs or symptoms is critical. The earlier cancer is treated, the better the outcome.

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For more information about an anti-cancer diet and natural remedies go to http://www.discover-classic-remedies.com.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment

Let's just start this by saying it straight out. Chemotherapy drugs are poison and should be avoided at all costs when trying to cure yourself of cancer. Countless doctors and drug companies around the world would argue that point to the bitter end, but that doesn't make it any less true. In fact, certain polls and questionnaires show that upwards of 75% of doctors would refuse the very chemo drugs they prescribe for you. Isn't that interesting?

Chemo Kills...Everything

The problem with chemotherapy is it's extremely toxic nature. It will obliterate cancer cells and will also obliterate healthy cells. It's a killing machine. If your body is able to survive, if the cancer is gone before you are, then it's deemed a success. Ever hear of so and so passing away from complications due to colon cancer, or lung cancer, or whatever cancer? What do you think that means? They were poisoned, my friend. Now, how in the holy hell can you expect to eradicate this condition and restore yourself to health with poison? It's ridiculous!

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment

Add to its toxicity the fact that chemotherapy generally has a very low five year survival rate, and the fact that chemo becomes less and less effective as you go along, and you can begin to see why it's never a good choice. Anyone who has undergone chemotherapy also knows that there can be terrible side effects that go far beyond nausea and hair loss.

It's All About the Money

So...why would any self respecting doctor prescribe for you a "treatment" that poisons your healthy cells, has awful side effects, and a poor record of success? One word. Money! Cancer management, I hesitate to call it treatment, rakes in billions and billions of dollars every year. We've been duped by the medical establishment, and the media to believe these ridiculous treatments actually make a difference. There's no money in natural treatments. Drug companies can't patent a plant or an herb. And we're the ones who end up suffering.

The Key To Success

Some experts even go so far as to say that cancer really isn't a disease at all. It's a symptom, or result of some imbalance happening inside your body. The key is to treat the underlying causes of the problem, and the problem will no longer exist. That may be simplifying it a little, but not by much. Cancer lives and thrives in certain environments. It loves low oxygen levels. It loves high acidity. It loves sugar. It grows and feeds off sugar. It loves a weakened immune system. If you change the environment to one where cancer simply cannot survive, it will no longer feel the need to live inside your body. Killing cancer cells without harming healthy cells is the key to success.

Despite what anyone, and I mean anyone tells you, cancer is cured by natural means all the time. There's a whole world of gentle, non-toxic treatments out there that will do what chemotherapy never could. All you have to do is take action.

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If you or someone you care about is dealing with any type of cancer and are not thrilled with what conventional medicine has to offer, go take a look here: http://killcancernow.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oprah's Natural Body Colon Cleansing and Acai Berry - Why Dr Oz Recommends the Acai Dynamic Duo

One of the most incredible and unforgettable topics that Oprah featured was the Oprah's Dynamic Duo - Acai Berry and Body, Colon Cleansing. Most people even regarded this episode of Oprah as one of the most intriguing episodes basically because of this super fruit. But what is really the fuss about this Acai Berry?

This super fruit, with its roots from the Amazon River, is what many coined as a "perfect food." This contains almost all the wonderful and healthy elements that we need for living - from vitamins and minerals, to antioxidants, to amino acids, to proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, among others. Oprah's Dynamic Duo - Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse had offered a comprehensive and not just an overview of what this super fruit is all about and how does it relate to colon cleanse. Because of the amazingly rich and healthy contents of this berry fruit, this also serves a lot of functions. It gives a boost to our immune system; it strengthens our energy level; it aids in better digestive system; it helps to give us smooth cardiovascular functions/activities etc.

Though Oprah was able to give us an overview about this, what this well-known show really focused was its ability to help in colon cleansing. Oprah's and Dr. Oz's Dynamic Duo - Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse became phenomenal as it revealed the fact that this super food can really help in cleansing our colon thus preventing various diseases from occurring especially colon cancer. It is important that we know how to take care of our bodies because it is true that it never stops on working.

Oprah's Natural Body Colon Cleansing and Acai Berry - Why Dr Oz Recommends the Acai Dynamic Duo

Every day, our body works for us as far as our eating habit is concerned. Because we never stop on eating and feeding our bodies, we cannot help it but to feed our bodies with toxins as well. What this does is that it prevents us from having toxic buildup because if that happens, it will surely cause more serious diseases that may even lead to colon cancer. That is why it is really important to know Dr. Oz and Oprah's Dynamic Duo - Acai Berry and Body Colon Cleansing.

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Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Colon Cancer Symptoms - What Are They?

Colon cancer is one of the deadliest types of the disease, and this is partly because, among all types, it has the mildest symptoms. Causing no obvious symptoms especially at the early stages, most cases are diagnosed when lesion cancerous change already occurs. At this point, the disease is already in its advanced state and may already be harder to treat.

The physical signs of this disease arise gradually over time, making it difficult for doctors to diagnose it correctly. Most of these symptoms are felt only when the disease is already about to do significant damage to the colon. Thus, timely, quick, and accurate diagnosis is of extreme importance for sufferers.

Common Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon Cancer Symptoms - What Are They?

The main colon cancer symptoms include abdominal pain and discomfort that are often mistaken for digestive tract problems. The patients can experience one or all of the following:

Abdominal hidden pain Abdominal distention Nausea Vomiting Loss of appetite Diarrhea Constipation

These symptoms usually become more pronounced after the consumption of food. Thus, due to the similarities in the symptoms, cancer of the colon is usually wrongly diagnosed as chronic appendicitis, ileocecal tuberculosis, ileocecal junction segmental enteritis, or lymphoma.

Specific Types of Symptoms for Specific Types of the Disease

Colon cancer symptoms also differ based on the specific type of the disease involved. For rightward abdomen colon cancer, the pain is usually above the navel, whereas for leftward abdomen colon cancer, the pain is usually under the navel. If the disease has penetrated the intestine wall, symptoms may include local inflammatory adhesion, local abscess, or chronic perforation.

For tumors localized in the rectal area, the disease may also be accompanied by rectum irritation, anus pain, or difficulty in defecating. These may also cause dysentery, enteritis, and hemorrhoids.

In the Advanced Stages

The most common symptom of the advanced stages is the development of an irregular abdominal mass with a hard texture. In some cases, such as in transverse and sigmoid colon cancers, the mass can cause pain even at light pressure.

Patients in the late stages of the disease may also experience anemia or the heightened absorption of toxins. These may be accompanied by edema, hepatomegaly, ascites, cachexia, and hypoproteinemia, among many others.

All symptoms of the disease, as can be observed, are linked to painful sensations. Thus, if not diagnosed early, the patient can suffer greatly throughout the course of the disease. A cancer hospital in China specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, including that of the colon, to make sure patients are given the best possible quality of life in their condition.

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For early and timely diagnosis of colon cancer and for an increased chance of survival, trust only a specialized cancer hospital in China like Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. The hospital is fully devoted to the accurate and effective diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Ovarian Cancer Mortality Rate

Mortality rate refers to the number of people dying due to a particular affliction. Ovarian cancer is a predominantly destructive cancer and is rarely detected in its early stages. It is the gynecological cancer with the highest mortality rate. Ovarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women after lung, breast, and colorectal cancer.

Ovarian cancer is responsible for 5% of all cancer deaths among women. In the year 2004 itself there has been around 16,090 deaths of American women from ovarian cancer. In the last five-years, mortality rates decreased from 63% in 1974 to lesser than 50% currently. Mortality rates differ depending on age and the stage at which detected. Five-year mortality rates are less than10%, if the cancer is still contained within the ovary at diagnosis. If it has spread to nearby areas in the pelvis, the mortality rate rises to between 20% and 40% and if it has spread beyond that then the mortality rate is at an all time high of 70% to 90%.

In spite of the rate not having changed much since 1973, the mortality rate has decreased by about 12%. It is estimated that about 1 in 57 women in the United States die due to the malignancy. The ratio of deaths to incidence is around 58.3%.

Ovarian Cancer Mortality Rate

The mortality rate for ovarian cancer patients is not very good. This is largely due to the trouble of diagnosing. Ovarian cancer can only be diagnosed for certain, with invasive surgery. Unfortunately, most patients with ovarian cancer are not diagnosed until the disease is advanced. This involves spreading of the disease to the upper abdomen. Thus, it becomes very late to carry out operative as well as radiation treatments on the patients. If the disease is detected in the early stages, it is curable in a number of patients.

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Ovarian Cancer provides detailed information on Ovarian Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Symptoms, Ovarian Cancer Treatments, Ovarian Cancer Stages and more. Ovarian Cancer is affiliated with Mesotherapy Before And After [http://www.e-MesoTherapy.com].

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Acai Berry and Colon Cleanser Free Trial - Facts About Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse Trial

The Acai Berry and Colon Cleanser were showcased on Oprah's health show. The panel comprises experts from the medical and fitness fields. Oprah has endorsed the product. Oprah is a trusted name and anything she recommends only proves that it would be effective and beneficial. Many health and fitness companies are now selling this product, called the Dynamic Duo, and are also offering free trials for the same. The free trial is nothing but just paying shipping and handling to try the diet for 14 days.

What is this Dynamic Duo diet? It is basically a combination of Acai Berry Fruit and Colon Cleanse diet. The berry is popular and highly recommended because of its magical properties. The Brazilians have been using this fruit in their daily diet for over the staple 300 years. The Amazonian fruit, helps fight cancer cells, increases energy levels, detoxifies the body, and strengthens the immune system.

The Cleanse on the other hand helps in cleaning the colon and digestive system. The benefits of cleansing are:

Acai Berry and Colon Cleanser Free Trial - Facts About Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse Trial

- The plaque and toxins that stick to the lining of the colon and intestines are removed
- Harmful bacteria are destroyed.
- Prevents constipation
- Skin allergies disappear
- Cholesterol levels reduce

Why is it important to keep the colon clean?

If the digestive system is kept clean, the intestine can absorb all the nutrients without difficult. The energy levels are known to increase as toxins are removed from the body. With increased energy levels, physical activity is increased without any problem. There is also loss of appetite resulting in weight loss.

Oprah has validated that a combination of Acai Berry with Colon cleanse benefits not only in terms of weight loss, but because of an overall improvement in health. The skin glows, allergies disappear, a person gets more energized and there is more physical fitness. This is because the combination of the berry and the cleanse work hand in hand. The antioxidants found in the berry help flushing out the toxins from the digestive tract. The cleanser removes plaque and bacteria from the clogged intestines, regularizes bowel movement that consequently helps weight loss.

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