Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis

Colon cancer statistics are very helpful in various ways for both victim as well as physician and provide valuable inputs for apt diagnosis and therapy of colon cancer. Prognosis is a study of pattern of cancer development in the victim's body in order to understand approximate behavior of tumors in future. Prognosis is closely related to life expectancy and survival rate of the victim and takes various aspects into consideration.

Statistics and Prognosis in Detail

This cancer usually develops in outer layers of colon and affects innermost cells and tissues after a certain time period when the cells increase their intensity of infection. Also, the abnormal cells kill normal and functional healthy cells in order to increase scope of infection. Usually, the tumor-development process forms a typical pattern in which several abnormal cells accumulate in an area to form tumor. Tumor-size keeps increasing steadily and after a certain time period, a few infected cells get separated from the parent tumor to form malignant polyps in other areas of the victim's body. Such tumors usually metastasize through blood cells or lymph.

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis

Statistics focus on well-sorting of colon cancer cases depending upon the pattern of growth and numbers of cases occurring worldwide. It also considers aspects like age, geographical location, survival rate, and prognosis into consideration before laying down statistics figures.

Prognosis is a way of calculating an estimated time period for which a person might be able to survive after being diagnosed for colon tumors. It also focuses on expected behavior of abnormal cells in future so that a proper colon cancer cure pattern can be adopted for maximum benefit of the victim.

Main Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis Figures

This cancer usually develops in old people. Almost 80% of the overall colon cancer cases are detected in people around 65 years of age. Also, the chances of development of disease are less in people under 45 years and those undergoing regular medical examinations after 50 years of age can decrease the chances of the disorder by up to 80%.

This cancer is second-most common cause of cancer-death in the United States of America (USA). The disease occurs in almost equal numbers in men and women. It is the third-largest cause of death in men after lung and prostate cancer. Also, the disease causes highest number of deaths after lung and breast cancer in women.

In USA alone, more than 101,340 cases of colon cancer have been detected in 2011 and the rate of occurrence is approximately 1 in every 20 persons. According to American Cancer Society, around 56,730 colon cancer-deaths were estimated in 2011. Among white people, around 54.4 men and 40.2 women per million were expected to suffer from the disease. The rate was 67.7 and 51.2 for black men and women respectively. More than 20.7 and 14.0 white males and females respectively and 30.5 and 20.4 black males and females respectively per million were estimated to have suffered have colon cancer-death.

Prognosis is quite fair at more than 90% in the initial stage while it drops to around 70% in the median stages (second and third stage). The same is less than 12% in the final stages when tumors cause maximum destruction.

Statistics shows more numbers of colon cancer cases in developed regions as compared to developing ones. Obesity, high diabetes, breast cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease along with high consumption of red meat and fat-rich content may lead to fast development of tumors in colon and affect colon cancer prognosis considerably.

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis
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Hello Everybody. I'm Alina Kapur and I write about various cancers their causes, symptoms, and treatments that help people in getting adequate knowledge about the disease. For more detail visit my cancer website www.cancer8.com

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