Friday, November 30, 2012

The Truth About Stage 4 Cancer Life Expectancy

There's no doubt that stage 4 cancer is one of the most horrible things that can happen to anyone, however, there have been contradictory articles regarding the life expectancy of a cancer at such an advanced stage. As a result, this article has been written to spell out, for once and for all, the facts about this issue.

Before I begin, let's get one thing straight. People who are suffering from any type of stage 4 cancer have very low 5-year survival rates. This is unfortunately a fact of life as the human race has still not come up with a cure for cancer. Despite this, you should never lose hope as there have been people who survived a stage 4 cancer and lived to tell the tale. It is highly recommended that you read their tales and draw strength and inspiration from them.

I will now go through a concise analysis of the life expectancy of 3 types of cancer.

The Truth About Stage 4 Cancer Life Expectancy

Lung Cancer

Statistics show that people with stage 4 lung cancer have a 32% chance of living for one year while only 2% live longer than 5 years. This shouldn't be a cause for concern as that 2% means that there is still hope that you can enjoy many more years with your loved ones.

Colon Cancer

Unfortunately, there have been very few cases of people who have lived more than 5 years with stage 4 of this disease. However, with improvements in chemotherapy you can control the symptoms and prolong the life of a sufferer which could mean so much for them and their loved ones.

Bone Cancer

The good news about stage 4 bone cancer is that the 5-year survival rate is between 19 and 49 percent. That may seem encouraging but keep in mind that it depends on whether the cancer is benign or malignant.

Don't ever forget that your chances of beating cancer or increasing stage 4 cancer life expectancy is strongly dependent on your determination and attitude throughout.

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Martin Sejas is a guest writer of [] a website dedicated to giving individuals crucial yet sound information on stage 4 cancer life expectancy []. Visit our site for information on other important issues related to cancer.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Colon Cancer Stages - Colon Cancer Survival Rate

When someone has experienced having inflammatory bowel disease, there is a huge possibility that the person will have an increased risk percentage of having cancer of the colon. While cancer of the colon is one of the easiest cancer types to be prevented from occurring, colon cancer stages are very decisive to identify because they are most often diagnosed when the symptoms are already inconvenient and bothersome. Colon cancer survival rate is lower when one is diagnosed in the later stage.

Colon cancer stages are divided into four unique stages. Each of these stages varies in colon cancer survival rate. The earliest stage of cancer of the colon is called stage 0. During this stage, the malignant cancer cells are just in the lining or mucosa of the rectum and confined in the polyp. Polypectomy is done in order to remove the cancer cells so that they would not progress on the later stages.

The Stage 1 cancer of the colon occurs when the polyp that contains the cancer cells have evolved and became a tumor that extends to the colon or rectum walls. During this stage, the advisable treatment would have to be the removal of the section of the colon that is considered to be infected by the malignant cancer cells. The five - year colon cancer survival rate for this stage is at 95% chance of cure.

Colon Cancer Stages - Colon Cancer Survival Rate

Stage 2 colorectal cancer happens when the cancer tumor has spread and has affected the tissues surrounding the colon. Resection surgery is given to the patient in order to treat them of their current ordeal. Survival rates during this stage are very unfortunate; the statistics is just 60 percent chance of cure.

Stage 3 cancer of the colon is when the malignant cells have spread outside the tissues or the colon and have infected the lymph nodes surrounding the colon as well. The Treatments given to patients at this stage are aggressive in order to cope up with spread of the malignant cancer cells. Aside from the surgical operation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be given to the patient in order to extend their life and be cured. Rate of survival during this stage drops down to 35 percent.

Stage 4 cancer of the colon occurs when the cancer cells have expanded and infected already the different systems of the body. Aside from the surgical resection and chemotherapy, radiation treatment and surgery is also done to the other infected parts of the body. Cancer of the colon during this stage drops down in a very poor 3 percent survival rate.

Colon Cancer Stages - Colon Cancer Survival Rate
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

What Causes Brain Cancer?

There is no known cause of brain cancer. Extensive research has been conducted to pinpoint a cause to help prevent the cancer from occurring. Although there has not been very much conclusive evidence leading to a cause of brain cancer, the one thing that doctors do know is that brain cancer is not contagious and it does not occur due to head injury. There are known instances where cancer has spread to the brain from other parts of the body.(Lung cancer,Breast cancer,Liver cancer and so on.)

Brain cancer can occur at any age. Studies have shown that two major age groups are affected. From ages 3 to 12 and 40 to 70 are the age groups when brain cancer is formed. Since researchers have been able to gather this data, it has led to the discovery of some risk factors. Workers in certain industries are at a higher risk for brain cancer than workers in other industries. These include, rubber manufacturing, drug manufacturing, and oil refining. Since brain cancer often occurs with members of the same family, heredity is believed to be another cause of brain cancer.

There are many different kinds of cells in the brain, each with a different function. Sometimes the cells inside the brain begin to grow uncontrollably leading to a tumor. A tumor in the brain may or may not be malignant.If benign a tumor stays where it starts, although it can grow very large and put pressure on crucial areas. In the case of a malignant brain tumor however this has the ability to spread and brain cancer occurs. Brain cancer is dangerous and life-threatening as the cancerous cells can interrupt vital brain functions. When brain cancer occurs, the cells continue to grow at a rapid pace. The cells and tissue around these cancerous cells become crowded out and invaded.

What Causes Brain Cancer?

Symptoms of brain cancer include headaches that are worse in the morning, changes in personality, abnormal eye movements, and weakness in the arms and legs. Seizures, nausea, and drowsiness are other symptoms of brain cancer.

Surgery is the treatment of choice for primary brain tumors radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the treatments that are used when cancer has spread to the brain. The doctor will use one or a combination of these treatments depending on the needs of the patient.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Anemia and Colon Cancer - Recognize the Signs

Colon cancer is a serious health problem in this country. Unfortunately there may not be many obvious signs until the disease has progressed. However anemia and colon cancer are often closely linked so here is some important information to keep in mind concerning this.

If a person develops this cancer, it usually begins as a polyp which turns cancerous and then begins to grow. As it enlarges, it begins to block the colon and makes it much more difficult to produce full sized bowel movements.

A very common symptom is anemia or low red blood cell count. Keep in mind that anemia can occur for a wide variety of reasons so if you do become anemic, don't immediately jump to the conclusion that you have developed it. Medical research has suggested that for patients with anemia, it is important to look at their ferritin levels as this may be associated with a higher incidence of colon cancer.

Anemia and Colon Cancer - Recognize the Signs

However it is an important warning sign and you should immediately seek medical attention to help determine the cause. As said, this anemia can be caused by many factors but your medical professional can run tests to determine the cause and initiate the best treatments to treat this problem.

If your Doctor suspects colon cancer, he will most likely perform a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. For this test, the Doctor can examine the inside of the colon and detect and remove polyps. If he finds something more serious, then further treatment will be initiated.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Colon Cancer Survival Rates

Colon cancer survival rates indicate the chances a cancer patient has of surviving the disease for a specified length of time. The rates are by no means a definite indicator of what will happen to a patient; they can at best predict a patient's chances of what might happen to him, if a type of treatment plan is opted for, based on what has happened to other patients in similar circumstances. They serve as a guide to a patient and his family to know what they can expect if they choose a particular type of treatment or if they should consider one at all rather than just opt for pain relievers and sedation.

Colon cancer is a disease of the lower part of the digestive system affecting the colon, rectum and appendix. It is also called colorectal or large bowel cancer. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths in the Western World.

Colon cancer when detected in the early stages is one of the most curable of cancers, by as much as 90%. Happily, the colon cancer survival rates have been steadily improving over the past 20 years, because of improved screening that makes treatment possible at the early curable stages. There are over 1 million survivors of the disease in the US today.

Colon Cancer Survival Rates

As with most cancers, prognosis is determined by the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the later the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the lower the survival rate. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute gives these overall survival rates for colon cancer in the US: 93% at stage 1, 85% at stage 2A, 72% at stage 2B, 83% at stage 3A, 64% at stage 3B, 44% at stage 3C and 8% at stage 4.

Colon cancer survival rates also vary depending on where the tumor is located. If the cancerous growth is located in the ascending colon, the 5 year survival rate is 63%, for the transverse colon it is 59% and for the descending colon it is 66%.

Treatment is mainly surgical in which the cancerous section of the bowel is removed and the two open ends are joined. If they can't be joined, a colostomy bag is necessary, in which case the bowel is brought outside the abdominal wall for the bag. Surgery is followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy which improves the survival rate by a further 5-6%.

Overall colon cancer affects men and women of all races equally however, women are more prone to developing colon cancer and men rectal cancer. Being over the age of 50 presents an increased risk factor with the risk for developing the disease increasing with each passing decade. Over 75% of cases are diagnosed in people over the age of 50 however; younger people too are at risk and cannot afford to ignore screening. Smoking, consumption of alcohol, being overweight and living sedentary lifestyles is risk factors as are having a family history of the disease and diabetes.

Since it has been proved that colon cancer survival rates have increased due to increased and improved screening techniques, it is highly recommended that the survival rates be further improved with people over the age of 40 having regular colonoscopies and rectal exams to increase the chances of early detection and treatment.

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For more information on colon cancer survival rates please visit:
Colon Cancer Survival Rates

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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Recurrence of Colon Cancer

For those of you who have had friends or family members that have battled colon cancer or were a victim yourself, you know how terrible this disease can be. Having survived such an ailment, no one wants to relive their past or live on the edge knowing that if can affect them again or they can succumb to its aftermath a few years later. Unfortunately, this is not always the case as colon cancer has been noted to have a high recurrence rate. In particular, it has been noted that about 20% of patients with treated colon cancer see recurring signs within five years.

Colon cancer is a disease that takes over the walls of the colon with abnormal growths called tumors. Affecting the excretion and part of the digestive process, victims are always trying to curtail the spread of this cancer that affects other vital organs of the body such as the liver. Particularly, functions of the colon include absorbing minerals and water for storage, forming feces for expulsion, storing bacteria to aid in the digestion process and thereby preventing the increase and circulation of harmful bacteria, as well as maintain a proper pH for chemical reactions.

Generally, other researchers have noted that recurrence rates for colon cancer vary between 4% and 55%. But technology has come to the rescue once more. Researchers have devised a genetic test, in which the recurrence of a patient's colon cancer is predicted. Ideally, it scans the genes of the patient during the early stages of the first diagnosis of the cancer to state the chances in which this disease will come back after treatment.

The Recurrence of Colon Cancer

Generally, this is a great achievement and can do much in the process of treatment as this information obtained from the test can aid the doctor in determining whether chemotherapy is a good choice after surgery due to the fact it will eventually reappear. In fact, it can help the doctor to decide whether surgery should be the only treatment method used, or whether chemotherapy and radiation treatments should also be conducted, making it a bit more intensive.

Hopefully in 2010, this test can be launched commercially, as purported by Genomic Health, a science company founded to improve the quality of cancer treatment for patients through the use of research, growth and the commercialization of medical laboratory services. As Dr. Leonard Saltz simply puts it "the test clearly tells people that they have a greater likelihood of being in the group that is at high risk or low risk of having a reappearance". All things considered, it provides the patient with the overall comfort of deciding whether or not to do chemotherapy which is another piece of information that can guide discussions between doctor and patients regarding their status and the best choice moving forward.

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If you or a loved one are facing colorectal cancer surgery, be sure to visit my site and read my article on colon cancer surgery complications.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis

Colon cancer statistics are very helpful in various ways for both victim as well as physician and provide valuable inputs for apt diagnosis and therapy of colon cancer. Prognosis is a study of pattern of cancer development in the victim's body in order to understand approximate behavior of tumors in future. Prognosis is closely related to life expectancy and survival rate of the victim and takes various aspects into consideration.

Statistics and Prognosis in Detail

This cancer usually develops in outer layers of colon and affects innermost cells and tissues after a certain time period when the cells increase their intensity of infection. Also, the abnormal cells kill normal and functional healthy cells in order to increase scope of infection. Usually, the tumor-development process forms a typical pattern in which several abnormal cells accumulate in an area to form tumor. Tumor-size keeps increasing steadily and after a certain time period, a few infected cells get separated from the parent tumor to form malignant polyps in other areas of the victim's body. Such tumors usually metastasize through blood cells or lymph.

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis

Statistics focus on well-sorting of colon cancer cases depending upon the pattern of growth and numbers of cases occurring worldwide. It also considers aspects like age, geographical location, survival rate, and prognosis into consideration before laying down statistics figures.

Prognosis is a way of calculating an estimated time period for which a person might be able to survive after being diagnosed for colon tumors. It also focuses on expected behavior of abnormal cells in future so that a proper colon cancer cure pattern can be adopted for maximum benefit of the victim.

Main Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis Figures

This cancer usually develops in old people. Almost 80% of the overall colon cancer cases are detected in people around 65 years of age. Also, the chances of development of disease are less in people under 45 years and those undergoing regular medical examinations after 50 years of age can decrease the chances of the disorder by up to 80%.

This cancer is second-most common cause of cancer-death in the United States of America (USA). The disease occurs in almost equal numbers in men and women. It is the third-largest cause of death in men after lung and prostate cancer. Also, the disease causes highest number of deaths after lung and breast cancer in women.

In USA alone, more than 101,340 cases of colon cancer have been detected in 2011 and the rate of occurrence is approximately 1 in every 20 persons. According to American Cancer Society, around 56,730 colon cancer-deaths were estimated in 2011. Among white people, around 54.4 men and 40.2 women per million were expected to suffer from the disease. The rate was 67.7 and 51.2 for black men and women respectively. More than 20.7 and 14.0 white males and females respectively and 30.5 and 20.4 black males and females respectively per million were estimated to have suffered have colon cancer-death.

Prognosis is quite fair at more than 90% in the initial stage while it drops to around 70% in the median stages (second and third stage). The same is less than 12% in the final stages when tumors cause maximum destruction.

Statistics shows more numbers of colon cancer cases in developed regions as compared to developing ones. Obesity, high diabetes, breast cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease along with high consumption of red meat and fat-rich content may lead to fast development of tumors in colon and affect colon cancer prognosis considerably.

Colon Cancer Statistics and Prognosis
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Hello Everybody. I'm Alina Kapur and I write about various cancers their causes, symptoms, and treatments that help people in getting adequate knowledge about the disease. For more detail visit my cancer website

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