Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common disorders of the colon. This issue occurs when various veins throughout the area of the lower area of the colon or generally vicinity of the anal area become inflamed and swollen. This devastating condition can affect both males and females, and is not limited to a particular age group. There are two basic types of hemorrhoids. These types include external and internal. Many people may experience a combination of both types of hemorrhoids. In this article, hemorrhoids symptoms revealed, you will become familiar with the various symptoms that occur with this unpleasant medical condition.

External hemorrhoids are the most popular form of this medical condition. When a person experiences hemorrhoids which are on the exterior of the body, they will find that they suffer from the following symptoms:

Colon Rectal Cancer

o There may be mild to severe pain in and around the area of the rectum.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

o A person may find that when they attempt to have a bowel movement that it is extremely difficult to pass the stools involved.

o When a person with external hemorrhoids passes stools, they may notice that there is blood on the tissue afterwards.

o A person may experience a hard knot, or lump, where the hemorrhoids have formed in or around the rectal area.

With internal hemorrhoids, there may be a number of symptoms that an individual experiences. One of the most common of these that are experienced is the presence of blood. An individual who is experiencing hemorrhoids symptoms may notice that when they have a bowel movement, there is blood present on the stools. A person who is exhibiting internal hemorrhoids symptoms may also find that blood is evident on the tissue once they have passed their stools. However, there are numerous other symptoms that may be experienced as well. These include:

o Pain is the most obvious internal hemorrhoids symptoms. This is due to the fact that many of these hemorrhoids actually develop internally and grow out of the anus. Seeing that hemorrhoids are often inflamed and swollen, the muscles around the hemorrhoids often tighten up around them. This can result in an immense pressure that can lead to pain. Just as in external hemorrhoids, the pain that is experienced by internal hemorrhoids can be mild to severe. However, if severe pain is experienced with hemorrhoids that are internal, it is imperative that a person seeks medical care.

o Internal Hemorrhoids symptoms may include itching and discomfort around the area of the rectum. When a person experiences hemorrhoids, the muscles often squeeze them so tight that a form of fluid, or mucus, is released. That, in conjunction with the small area that they are located, may cause the skin to become irritated. When this occurs, itching is often the result.

o The next internal hemorrhoids symptoms are that in which a person feels as if they must continue with their bowel movement, even when they realize that they are finished. This particular urge is normally a result of the inflamed hemorrhoids. The body "thinks" that there is more to be passed, when, in fact, there is not. If you have not been officially diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, and you experience this urge, it is important to seek medical advice. The reason that this is important is because patients who have colon cancer also experience this symptom. In colon cancer, it is often the result of a tumor protruding out somewhere along the large intestines.

o Many individuals who experience hemorrhoids symptoms find that they experience a change in their bowel movements. The person may start to experience constipation more often, or may even have diarrhea more frequently. If this hemorrhoid symptom becomes evident, it may be time to seek assistance with the issue of this condition.

There are many different reasons why a person may develop hemorrhoids. Many people just have a predisposition for this condition due to their genetics. If a person naturally has weak walls throughout the intestines and veins, hemorrhoids may develop. In addition to this, there are other causes, which include:

o Pregnancy

o Lack of fiber in the daily diet

o Straining while experiencing a bowel movement

o Being overweight

o A general deficiency in important minerals and vitamins

o Cleaning the area of the anus in a harsh and rough manner

o Experiencing either constipation or diarrhea constantly

o Poor habits when it comes to the bathroom

Hemorrhoids, as you can see, can be an extremely uncomfortable medical condition. However, there are many ways in which you can soothe the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

John Lim, the founder of and is an alternative health expert with more than 7 years of experience in natural hemorrhoids treatment. Please visit for more free information about hemorrhoids home remedy & relief.

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