Saturday, June 30, 2012

7 Major Symptoms of Colon Cancer Demystified

The symptoms of colon cancer are not necessarily present in the initial stage of the problem. Most of the times they do not appear or are hard to detect until the problem reach to an advanced stage.

However, it is always better to know about those which can be detected. Mentioned below are some known symptoms of colon cancer. In case if any of the mentioned symptoms is present for more than a week, do seek advice of your physician about the screening for colon cancer.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Change in Bowel Habits

7 Major Symptoms of Colon Cancer Demystified

Tumor in the bowel brings an observed change in the habits like defecating. With the growth of tumor, you may feel the need of defecating less often and the large size of tumor will lead to constipation.

The only way to know this is to get regular screening done instead of waiting for the symptoms to appear on the surface.

Thinned Stool

The presence of tumor causes obstruction and with the growth of obstruction there is reduction in the space around. In case the tumor is present at the side of the colon tube passage, it may result into the narrowing of the stool.

Cramping or Bloating in the Stomach

Another symptom in the list of colon cancer symptoms is bloating or cramping in the stomach. Boating may be due to a bowel obstruction while cramping may be the result of constipation or diarrhea. In the advanced stages of colon cancer, tumor perforating i.e. poking through near the wall of the bowel, can lead to extreme abdominal cramping.

Blood in the Stool

There may be blood in the stool which is due to the bleeding of the tumor. Nevertheless, if the tumor is present in the right colon, it is very much possible that the blood will dry up before the faeces are removed from the body. But if it is towards the left or in the rectum, it may remain fresh and thus will appear bright red.

Inexplicable Weight Loss

If you are losing weight without making any deliberate efforts, it is really something to ponder over. Often one has weight loss due to the fact that something wrong is going in the body. However, in colorectal cancer, unexplained loss in weight is one of the colon cancer symptoms and it indicates that the bowel is being blocked at some place, along the passage, by a tumor.

Exhaustion and Feelings of Fatigue

You are having proper sleep but still feel exhausted. There may be more than one reason and work load may not be the obvious one. The first possibility is that it may be due to anemia which takes place if the red blood cells are not able to carry sufficient oxygen as much they are required to. Consequently, you might feel exhausted. But it may also be due to tumors. Tumors can also be the cause of anemia.

Feel Like to Defecate but Not

You may feel like to go for defecation but you do not. This kind of sensation in the body may take place due to a tumor growing in the end of the colon or rectum.

The best option is to have screening for colon cancer on regular basis instead of depending on appearance of colon cancer symptoms.

7 Major Symptoms of Colon Cancer Demystified

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

With very early detection, the breast cancer survival rate is excellent. The American Cancer Society reports a 5-year survival rate of 98% to 100% for Stage 1 breast cancer after treatment.

Stage 1 breast cancer is less than 2 centimeters in diameter and has not spread beyond the breast tissue itself.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Currently, 63% of breast cancer for U. S. white women is detected and diagnosed while it is still localized to the breast tissue as Stage 1 breast cancer. Only 53% of breast cancer in U. S. black women is diagnosed while the breast cancer is still localized.

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

The difference in early detection rates between white women and black women is usually attributed to economic disparity and the lack of health insurance. It also helps explain the fact that in the U. S., breast cancer incidence for black women is 11% lower than for white women, but the breast cancer death rate for black women is 35% higher (NCI, SEER, 2007). The death rate increases when breast cancer detection and diagnosis are postponed while the cancer spreads.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute predicts that approximately 178,480 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2007. The annual death rate from breast cancer is around 41,000 in the U.S. North American white women have the highest rate of breast cancer in the world.

Improving breast cancer survival rates by early detection requires regular observation, monthly self-examinations, and following medical recommendations for examinations and testing.

Monthly self-examinations should be done at the same time each month. Clinical examinations by a health care provider should start by the time a woman is 20 years old and continue at least every three years until age 40. After age 40, the clinical exams should be included in the annual health check-ups. Annual mammograms after age 40 will help detect breast cancer at the earliest stages.

Since 1 in every 8 women will face a diagnosis of breast cancer in their lives, improving the breast cancer survival rate should also include breast cancer prevention by reducing risk factors. Some breast cancer risk factors like genetics and family history can't be changed, but they account for only a small percentage of breast cancer cases. Factors that have shown an increase in breast cancer include overweight, hormone therapy, and increased alcohol consumption. Factors that may help breast cancer prevention include breast feeding, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular exercise.

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 1 Breast Cancer

For more information on research showing increased breast cancer survival rate, see

You can also learn about three healthy habits that have shown a 50% decrease in breast cancer recurrence at

Sharon Jones has over 40 years training and experience in science, mainstream health care, and alternative health care. Her website is

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Are The Causes Of Bloody Stool?

Finding blood in your stool can be an alarming experience. Regardless of how much you know about health care, everybody knows that bloody stool is simply not right. The appearance of bloody stool causes a whole range of possibilities to race through your mind, none of them good. What are the causes of bloody stool? What are the most likely possibilities and what should you do about it?

In very general terms, bloody stool means that there's some sort of injury or disorder located somewhere in your digestive tract. Unfortunately, that doesn't narrow things down very much, because your digestive tract can refer to almost any location between your mouth and your anus. One of the ways that you and your doctor can start to zero in on the likely location of the problem is by the color of the blood.

Colon Rectal Cancer

As a rule, the closer the source of bleeding is to the anus, the brighter red the blood will be. This is because the bacteria in your digestive system works to break down the blood as it passes through. So the longer blood stays in your digestive tract, the darker it will become. The color of the bloody stool can range from bright red through maroon and black, all the way to occult (or hidden).

What Are The Causes Of Bloody Stool?

There is a great deal of emphasis on the color because this is how your doctor will begin to diagnose the causes of bloody stool. If the bloody stool is bright red, then there's a good chance the blood was essentially added on the way out by hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Obviously, although these causes of bloody stool can be uncomfortable, they are relatively minor and easily treated. You might want to try a natural colon cleanse. Regular cleansing can practically eliminate constipation that lead to hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Even a one-time colon cleanse can help.

The causes of bloody stool that is more maroon in color lie farther up the digestive tract. If you have intestinal polyps, these may sometimes bleed and cause maroon-colored stool. The most serious possibility is that some of these polyps have begun to develop into colon cancer. That's why you should never delay contacting your doctor if you're concerned about the causes of bloody stool. Early action could conceivably save your life. Bloody stool that is maroon in color could also be caused by inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulosis. However, most doctors agree that diverticulosis causes significant bleeding and is therefore relatively easy to diagnose.

Some people have black and tarry stools with an especially foul odor. If the blood in your stool has turned black, that means it has spent a longer time passing through your digestive tract. The causes of bloody stool that is black and tarry (or sticky) may lie not in your colon, but rather in your stomach or small intestines. The blood has been turned black by the action of bacteria in your system. Doctors refer to black bloody stool as "melena."

There is a possibility that the appearance of your stool was changed by something in your diet. Some foods, supplements and medicines have a tendency to turn your stool black. Licorice, iron pills, Pepto-Bismol and blueberries can result in black-colored stools. Beets and tomatoes, on the other hand, have a tendency to turn your stools reddish on some occasions. However, this doesn't occur all the time and not everyone experiences this symptom. Most of the time when you see red, you should assume it's blood and act accordingly.

Although not all of the causes of bloody stool are serious, there's only one safe course of action if you spot bloody stool in your toilet. See a doctor. There's a good chance that the causes of bloody stool are relatively minor and easily treated. However, you should allow a health professional to make that determination. Self-diagnosis is not recommended, especially when there could be more serious causes of bloody stool. Colon cancer causes the second highest number of cancer deaths in the United States, but up to 90 percent of cases could be prevented with early detection and treatment.

Calling your doctor and discussing the color of your stool is not something that you would normally look forward to doing. However, don't let embarrassment keep you from doing the right thing. Don't take chances with your health.

What Are The Causes Of Bloody Stool?

Jim McDonald is a passionate writer and webmaster of, an informative website about colon cleansing and how a colon cleanse can help you solve lots of digestive problems.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Health Benefits of Sodium Selenite

Before we discuss the Benefits of Sodium Selenite, we will briefly discus this nutrient.

Sodium Selenite (Selenium) is one of many antioxidants-substances that attack destructive cells in the body, an essential trace mineral, and a micronutrient. It works with Vitamin E to gather free radicals which are cells that have one unpaired electron. To stabilize itself it 'steals' an electron from a nearby stable cell. Free radicals can cause cell mutation, some cancers, and the effects of aging.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Benefits of Sodium Selenite

The Health Benefits of Sodium Selenite

Selenium is used for the treatment of premature aging, cardiac-vascular disease, sexual dysfunction, and menopausal problems. Skin disorders are also treated with Sodium Selenite - Selenium which is a powerful chemo- preventative agent.

This means that it might fight some cancers. According to the American Medical Association journal, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers were reduced by about 50% in humans over a ten year time frame. There are other important benefits for those taking Selenium (sodium selenite).

Further Benefits of Sodium Selenite

These benefits include improved immune system strength, which will enable the body to fight off diseases, a reduction in the occurrence of heart disease, and the maintenance of healthy blood vessels. It also is a strong cancer fighter. While it has many benefits there is reason to exercise some caution.


Here is a note of precaution for you. The Selenium (Sodium Selenite) capsules contain les than one half of a milligram of sodium. It has been deemed acceptable for those individuals who are on salt restricted diets.

As with anything, it is possible to take too much and there are consequences if you do, even if it was done accidentally.

If too much sodium selenite is taken, it can result in something called selenosis. Symptoms of selenosis are arthritis, gastro-intestinal upsets, and hair loss. White blotchy nails, garlicky breath odor and fatigue. Other symptoms include dermatitis, irritability, and mild nerve damage. If any of these symptoms occur seek medical attention immediately.

Your best option regarding this nutrient is to do research. Look for information on its proper usage, how to take it, when to take it, and in what form it comes in. Learn the contraindications of this, or any medication or vitamin supplement that you are considering taking.

After you have completed the research, consult with your physician or health care provider. Supplements are, or can be very beneficial for most individuals; caution is in your best interest. We all want to be healthy, but let's be safe while we pursue this.

The Health Benefits of Sodium Selenite

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Colon Cancer - The Digestive System Killer

The part of the large intestine that joins the small intestine is called the caecum. Directly above the anus is a short length of large intestine - 12-15cm long - called the rectum. The colon extends from caecum to the rectum and is divided into 4 parts: the ascending colon, which rises upwards from the caecum; the transverse colon, which runs across the body from right to left; the descending colon, which sweeps downwards; and a relatively short section called the sigmoid colon, which leads to the rectum.

A major function of the colon is to extract fluids from what remains of food after its nutrients have been absorbed in the small intestine. The colon also provides a temporary storage place for solid wastes, as well as a channel for their removal from the body. Colon cancer and rectal cancer, often referred to collectively as cancer of the bowel, is one the most common cancers of the digestive system. All parts of the large intestine can develop cancer although most cases of colon cancer occur in the descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum.

Colon Rectal Cancer

The type of food you eat seems to increase or decrease your chances of getting colon cancer. A variety of studies suggest that people who consume large quantities of high-fat and low-fibre foods run a greater risk than those who eat a low-fat and high-fibre diet. Therefore, you can reduce your chances of getting colon cancer by, decreasing the amount of 'bad' foods you eat and, increase your intake of 'good' cancer preventing foods.

Colon Cancer - The Digestive System Killer

Among the 'good' cancer preventing foods are vegetables (especially broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower), whole grains and legumes (beans and peas). Your diet should also include sufficient amounts of vitamin A and C, which, according to experts help to neutralise cancer-causing substances in food. Diet is one aspect that can control the onset of colon cancer, however, there are factors that you may have no control over. For instance, an uncommon inherited tendency to develop many small to large growths in the colon. These growths, or polyps, look somewhat like mushrooms.

There are signs that may be heeded as to whether cancer of the colon or large intestine is present or a condition that may lead to it, may be present in the body. In general, any persistent change in bowel habits should alert you. Diarrhoea or constipation that will not go away after about a week, despite the use of medication; stools that are narrower than usual, which can occur if a growth is blocking or narrowing any part of the colon or rectum are not sure indicators of colon cancer, but may indicate a problem and the sooner you find out exactly what these changes mean, the better your chances will be in dealing with them.

One indication that you may have cancer of the colon may turn up when a routine test for invisible traces of blood in the faeces is positive. Bear in mind that many other conditions besides cancer can lead to the presence of small amounts of blood in the faeces; these conditions can include haemorrhoids (piles), non-cancerous tumours or infections. A routine physical examination by a doctor should be done even when no colon cancer is suspected. After a general inspection, he may refer you to a specialist who will use an instrument called a sigmoidscope to examine the rectum and lower part of the sigmoid colon in more detail. If a colon cancer growth is detected, the specialist, perhaps in collaboration with a surgeon, will outline a course of treatment. The choice of therapy will be based on the size of the growth, on how much of the colon is affected and whether the cancer has spread to other areas.

Like many other cancers, there are three basic ways in which colon cancer can be treated: with surgery, radiotherapy or with anticancer drugs, or with a combination of these three approaches. The treatment will depend on where the colon cancer is situated, on its size and on whether it has invaded the wall of the colon or areas beyond it.

Colon Cancer - The Digestive System Killer

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Colon Cancer []

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Diet For Gallstones - How Nutrition Can Help You Pass Your Gallstones Naturally

Did you know that there is actually a diet for gallstones? Most people are not aware of such of thing because doctors don't suggest changing your diet. But doctors do recommend a ,000 surgery which will leave you without your organ and in debt. Fortunately, as research has advanced, we now know more about gallstones, dieting and treatments than we ever have before.

And research is showing how your diet has an impact on gallstone formation and gallstone flushing. If you have a gallbladder surgery planned, you may want to try a simple gallstones diet which may save your life and thousands of dollars. (People who remove their gallbladder are more at risk for bowel and colon cancer.)

Colon Rectal Cancer

And all it takes is some simple nutritional tips!

Diet For Gallstones - How Nutrition Can Help You Pass Your Gallstones Naturally

Your Diet and Gallstones

Unfortunately, many people still do not see the correlation between their diet and their health. I recently read an article which gave 20+ diseases which obese people are more prone to.

Still many doctors are just as naive about how whole body health can prevent and treat various diseases. For instance, most kidney stones develop because of dehydration. And did you know that the most successful remedy or treatment for kidney stones is drinking plenty of water every day. (A great example of a FREE natural treatment!)

In the case of gallstones, your body can also treat and pass them but you most prioritize what you eat and even drink. Because your diet impacts every aspect of your health, your nutrition plan also can flush your liver and gallbladder naturally.

Here are some tips your doctor should have recommended before surgery.

5 Dieting Tips for Gallstones

1. Research suggests that one of the best ways to prevent and treat gallstones is to eat a diet rich in water soluble fibers. Fiber helps the bowels and digestive system function most efficiently. If you unaware of fiber therapy, the following tips will help you.

2. Grains are extremely important for a healthy diet for various reasons. In the case of gallstones, you should be getting plenty of gallstones. Here are some great suggestions: whole grain breads, buns, bagels, muffins, bran flakes, corn bran cereals, whole wheat cereals, brown rice and whole grain pastas. This will flush your system and you will notice more trips to the rest room. You should stay away from any grains that have 'enriched' included in the ingredients.

3. As stated earlier, water soluble fiber is extremely important for flushing your organs. Water soluble fiber is simple a term for fruits and vegetables. Here are some suggestions which will help keep your body flushed. Dried fruits (apricots, dates, prunes, raisins), blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and oranges.

4. For vegetables you should try to eat broccoli, dried peas, kidney beans, lima beans, green beans, and corn. As recommended by the Food Guide Pyramid, you should eat 3-5 servings of vegetables a day and 2-4 servings of fruit.

5. You should also educate yourself on what foods will cause a gallstone attack. Here is a quick list you may want to memorize: eggs, pork, onions, alcohol, fried and fatty foods, salty foods, heavy proteins, cow's milk, processed foods and excessive sugars.

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Diet For Gallstones - How Nutrition Can Help You Pass Your Gallstones Naturally

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there a correlation between lower back pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers have long argued that IBS may be caused by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. No indication or explanation is ever given as to why this malfunction might occur. To my knowledge there has been no adequate evidence to support this assumption. More over, I have not seen, heard of or read about any studies which were specifically implemented to test this hypothesis. Because of my own observations about my own IBS symptoms, I am inclined to believe and support this hypothesis.

Some of us who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome have tried for many years, without success, to eliminate the often debilitating affects of this mysterious disorder. Generally those who suffer have spent a great deal of time and money, having test after test only to be told that nothing conclusive was found.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Often after years of diagnostic procedures and expensive studies, patients are told there was nothing wrong with them. Their complaint of symptoms are brushed off as imaginary or more properly put in medical terms, psychosomatic. But with the ever increasing number of patients complaining of the same generalized list of symptoms, the medical community has been forced, in at least a small part, to acknowledge the malady as something more then imaginary symptoms of hypochondria.

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

So what can we surmise about IBS? It is a condition or disease in and of itself? Or is IBS is a condition caused by or a symptom of some other physical, neurological or possibly even psychological problem that is as yet undetected or undiagnosed as being relative to the IBS condition? I find this to be a more plausible conclusion and will provide some insight for my personal belief that IBS is a secondary condition rather then a condition unto itself.

For years doctors have proposed the secondary condition concept in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to successfully document any evidence to conclusively say what might be the root cause of IBS. Moreover, I believe there is not just one cause, but several causes, all with the same secondary symptoms, which make up what is termed as IBS.

Please don't think that it is my intent to say the IBS condition is not real, or the symptomology is psychosomatic in nature. I know from painful experience the condition and symptoms of IBS are very real. I also would venture to say because of the sheer number of reported cases, the medical community had been forced to re-evaluate their approach while dealing with patients with complaints of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-like symptoms. I am merely going to express what I personally have concluded about another possible causation for IBS which may be overlooked by the medical profession.

I would like to also toss up for consideration that IBS, with its list of many symptoms, may be a traceable progression of symptoms stemming from a single causation. I believe, in my case, this is a very valid assumption. I have as yet been unable to get any physician to agree with me, at least to the point of taking up the position on the record.

Before going any further, I think it would be a good idea to review a partial list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. IBS may be characterized by a combination of any or all of the following symptoms:

o Abdominal discomfort or pain, usually in the lower abdomen

o Altered bowel habit

o Chronic or recurrent diarrhea, constipation, or both. May be mixed or in alternation.

o Bloating

o Heartburn

o Nausea

o Abdominal fullness

o Feelings of urgent need to evacuate the bowel

o Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying

o Low back pain

o Headache

o Fatigue

o Muscle pain

o Sleep disturbances

o Sexual dysfunction

More and more it is generally believed that the symptoms of IBS are produced by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. More and more I personally agree with this as a valid and plausible perception of at least one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With some personal observations, I hope to give light as to why I believe this to be a possible causation for many IBS sufferers. Unfortunately, what I have come to believe as the causation for my particular brand of IBS, most assuredly will not be a diagnosis for all cases of IBS.

I think we who have suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome tend to minimalize our symptoms and pain. We have been led to believe that other than common sense changes to diet and exercise there is nothing we can do because there is no cure. Many people who suffer will suffer in silence for years before seeking medical treatment. By then, and I include myself in this group, we may have subconsciously lessened or even put aside some of the lesser symptoms that IBS causes, focusing only on the ones that cause the most pain and discomfort.

Worse yet, we are less likely to bring symptoms to the attention of a doctor by mere assumption that it is just another facet of our complex disorder. This could become a dangerous scenario for anyone who suffers from IBS. We may ignore persistent symptoms that have gotten more intense or new symptoms that seem to be related only because we are discouraged by being told there is nothing anyone can do.

Doing these kinds of things could lead to serious life threatening symptoms being overlooked. Symptoms of conditions that, unlike IBS, can be treated if caught in time. Things like colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer or many others, might be missed because we want to ignore our IBS symptoms after so many trips to the doctor.

My story of IBS starts over 20 years ago when I was a young man of 26. While helping lift a very heavy cast iron wood burning stove from the back of a pickup truck, the other person lost their grip and the load all shifted down hill onto my back. I felt my back give way as the stove went crashing to the ground at my feet. I knew I had sustained a serious injury. I couldn't erect myself from the 90 degree bent forward position I was in. I had to literally pull my self up by using my hands and arms against the side of the pickup.

Being 26 and stubborn and thinking that I was invincible, I had my wife help me home and to bed, not bothering to go to the emergency room. I had some left over pain killers which numbed the pain enough to allow me to sleep. When I awoke in the morning I was horrified as I could not feel my legs. They were both cold and numb to the touch. I could move them, I just couldn't feel them. After about 30 minutes of movement the feeling began to return to my legs and at that point I knew it was time to get to the doctor.

After the examination and x-rays what the doctor had to say wasn't pleasant to hear. He told me I had two options. One was to go to a surgical specialist and have fusion surgery on several of my lower lumbar vertebra because the discs between them had been severely compressed. He mentioned that having this type of surgery would reduce my physical mobility by as much as 30% or more. At best, he explained, the surgery was about 40% effective.

My other option, he told me, was time... time allow let my body try to heal itself. He explained I would probably never be as good as I was before the accident, but with time my body should partially heal it self. He told me the inflammation which was causing the pain and partial paralysis should lessen. At age 26 losing permanently 30% or more of my mobility was an unthinkable option. At least the second option offered some hope of recovery. He gave me muscle relaxants and pain pills and that was that.

I trusted this doctor...we were good friends. We had a good personal and professional relationship. I took him at his word. By today's medical standards, his medical advice probably wouldn't hold water, but over 20 years ago, it was most likely a very good perception of my problem.

For the next 6 months, I would wake up to cold, numb legs and each day, but as he said, the symptoms gradually got better. I was so focused on my back injury improving; I didn't pay attention to other, minor things going on which had become bothersome.

The first and most prevalent symptom was a change in my bowel habit. Not a big change, but it seemed that instead of a daily movement, it was now once every other day, and it took a bit more effort. But with the back issue, it seemed minor in comparison and for several years seemed to be the only symptom. My back continued to get better but my bowel never did return to normal.

I have always been a large person, in 1986 at the age of 26: I weighed about 220 pounds, standing 6 feet tall. Slowly, my weight began to rise. I attributed my initial weight gain to a lessening of physical activity over the first year or two of my back problem. By the end of the second year, my physical ability and activity had almost returned to normal. I learned to deal with the pain and my legs no longer went numb. I was able to function fairly well. Only occasionally did the pain in my back become such that I was unable to function in my "new" normal fashion, and usually only lasted a day or two. I now had added 70 pounds to my weight with no real explanation.

Only in the past couple of years (over 20 have passed since my back injury) have I begun considering the original injury being related to my bowel and stomach problems. Because I believed there was little I could do to rectify the situation, I have done as well as I could to manage the pain mentally. I did this well until the pain in my back started to worsen to the point that again my legs started going numb again. Not that this happened all the time, it was only occasional, but these bouts of pain have gotten much worse.

Only now that the back pain is impossible to ignore have I come to realize the cycle of events which have taken place. Now when I notice my legs are beginning to go numb on a more frequent basis, I have also noticed an increase in my IBS symptoms. More frequent and painful symptoms seem to begin with chronic constipation, lasting for many days. This is followed by the gas distress fatigue, head aches, bloating, acid indigestion, heartburn and eventually explosive diarrhea. Along with other symptoms, all interwoven into a cycle I now believe to be directly related to some type of nerve injury due to my original back injury.

I have since gone to a neurosurgeon and been diagnosed with severe disk compression and degeneration and spinal stenosis in the lower lumbar region. The treatment is as yet to be mapped out, but I now have at least one doctor who agrees that many, if not all, of my symptoms could be tied directly to nerve dysfunction resulting from my present spinal condition.

If you have sustained a back injury, or have IBS with lower back pain, it may be prudent to have a spinal study, to find out if an underlying back problem might be involved in the causation of your IBS symptoms. It stands to practical reason that if there is injury to the spine or lower back from where the nerves controlling lower bowl function stem, there could also be bowel dysfunction. With bowel dysfunction, the progression of symptoms in logical sequence right up the line to the top of the digestive tract would be a very plausible scenario.

If you have IBS and low back pain you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a spinal examination. At the very least you may find out that there is no problem with your spine thereby eliminating one more source.

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Scott Best is a freelance author in association with IBS Help who also suffers with IBS. You can read more articles from Scott Best and others in the IBS Help Site Article Index

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Are The Treatment Options And Survival Rates For Metastatic Colon Cancer

Metastatic colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death from cancers and tumors in the USA and unfortunately the survival rate for those diagnosed with it is below 10%.
If you have been diagnosed with a metastatic colon cancer then your life will change, but you should always remember that there is chance that you'll be cured and try to fight the illness as much as you can.

Colon cancer occurs when a tumor appears in the colon or in the rectum. The colon and the rectum together form the large intestine. First, only a tumor appears either in the colon or in the rectum, but if it is not treated then the tumor will spread, and in time it will affect other organs, such as the liver and the lungs, causing tumors to appear in them too. This is the final phase of colon cancer, when it has spread too much and there are too many cancerous cells in the body. It is also called stage IV colon cancer or metastatic colon cancer.

Colon Rectal Cancer

When doctors discover colon cancer they usually immediately recommend surgery to remove the part of the large intestine where the tumor has grown. After the surgery several tests are performed to see if the cancer has spread. If the result is positive and the cancerous cells are discovered in other distant places of the body then you will receive the stage IV colon cancer diagnosis.

What Are The Treatment Options And Survival Rates For Metastatic Colon Cancer

You still have several treatment options after the metastatic colon cancer diagnose. What the best treatment for you is will be determined by several clinical trials. The treatment is very influenced by how far has the metastatic colon cancer has spread.

If it has only spread to a single organ different from the large intestine then the treatment has higher chances of success because it can be directed to that single site. The most common place where metastatic colon cancer spreads is the liver, and sometimes the lungs.

The problem is that at most patients colon cancer has spread to many other locations, and the treatment can not be directed to a single site.
The best treatment option in this situation is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is done by injecting, directly in the blood, certain substances that have the ability of killing cancer cells. Chemotherapy has severe side effects like loss of hair, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, and many more. The survival rate for chemotherapy-treated patients is not too high, but it increases each year and new techniques are continuously researched and developed.

We can only hope that the future will bring good news for those with metastatic colon cancer, and also remember that some manage to survive it and you could be among them.

What Are The Treatment Options And Survival Rates For Metastatic Colon Cancer

For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link []. You can also find valuable information about metastatic colon cancer [] or even about colon cancer treatment []

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

High-Dose Vitamin D and the Decreased Incidence of Chronic Disease

It is well known that vitamin D deficiency is associated with osteoporosis, bone fracture, increased falls, muscle weakness, increased risk of certain cancers (particularly breast and colon, and possibly prostate), autoimmune diseases, obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, depression, asthma, lung dysfunction, influenza, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Even complications of pregnancy, preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension) and gestational diabetes, are associated with vitamin D deficiency. In infants, the vitamin's insufficiency has also been linked to low birth weight (caused by low levels from the mother during pregancy) neonatal hypocalcemia (low blood calcium), poor postnatal growth, bone fragility, and increased incidence of autoimmune diseases and childhood asthma.

Prevention of Osteoporosis

Colon Rectal Cancer

The standard recommended dose of 400 IU/day of vitamin D was in general to help maintain "good health," and to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, falls, and hip fractures. Over the last 5 years, there has been an explosion of studies expanding our knowledge and indicating that higher doses have much more of an effect on overall health and on the prevention of various chronic diseases than just bone development and the prevention of osteoporosis. This was standard while I was practicing medicine to recommend calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D to women of menopausal age. However, I now recommend doses much higher than 400 IU/day.

High-Dose Vitamin D and the Decreased Incidence of Chronic Disease

Insulin Resistance

A common problem I saw in my medical practice, associated with aging and increased weight was insulin resistance, which often led to metabolic syndrome or full-blow Type 2 diabetes. To help reduce the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance I would encourage my patients to maintain a low-glycemic diet, exercise at least 4 times a week, and be on a broad spectrum nutritional supplementation program. Often this made the difference for people who took it seriously and made significant changes.

Insulin resistance begins with oxidation of insulin receptors. Anything that cause more oxidation, and therefore more inflammation, can lead to insulin resistance, and ultimatley Type 2 diabetes. Continued consumption of high-glycemic food (simple sugars and starches) will damage insulin receptors via inflammation/oxidation. With continued oxidation and inflammation of insulin receptors full-blown Type 2 diabetes develops. Lately, it has been discovered that vitamin D deficiency is a contributing cause to insulin resistance, giving further support to my recommending higher doses.

Although not all studies have been consistent and demonstrating a reversal of insulin resistance with vitamin D supplementation, the studies that have shown benefits in reversign insulin resistance have been the studies demonstrating blood serum 25-hydroxvitamin D (or 25-OH-D) concentrations that were at least in the range of 35 - 42 ng/ml. This may suggest that high doses may be needed to see a benefit in the prevention, and possible reversal of insulin resistance.

Decreased Risk of Breast and Colon Cancer Associated with Supplementation

As a former practicing board-certified Ob/Gyn, I had many patients who had a history of breast cancer, or a family history of breast cancer. Colon cancer was also a concern, as its incidence is second to breast cancer. A decreased risk of breast and colon cancer (and possibly prostate cancer) has been associated when blood serum levels of 25-hydroxvitamin D (25-OH-D) are 40 ng/ml or above. For most women, this would require a dailly dose near 4000 IU/day.

I had many patients using tamoxifen to treat or suppress the recurrence of breast cancer. However, tamoxifen has its own concerns (among them possible endometrial cancer). Interestingly, much like drugs that are used to treat breast cancer, such as tamoxifen, vitamin D enters breast cancer cells and triggers apoptosis; whicself-destruction, or "cellular death," of cancer cells. Actually, several various antioxidants; e.g., turmeric extract, polyphenolic compounds; such as grape seed extract, cruciferous extract, resveratrol, green tea extract, and olive extract) all cause apoptosis, or cellular self-destruction. The benefit of apoptosis compared to chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy is that it causes cancer cell dealth without toxicity or destruction to normal cells.

Although the knowledge and use of antioxidants to kill cancer cells is as of yet limited, and thefore too early to be used to replace current toxic therapies for cancer, there is much promise for vitamins and other antioxidants in the near future. According to the research, I am a believer that antioxidants, and like substancs may help to prevent to the initiation of cancer, and therefore, along with a proper diet and lifestyle, everyone should be taking quaility supplements.

Specifc to this article, as I have searched to find out what dose of vitamin D women "should be" taking for preventative measures against breast, ovarian, and colon cancer, I have discovered that the studies have shown an association between women whose serum 25-OH-D levels of at least 52 ng/ml or higher and a 50% decreased incidence of breast cancer. Ovarian and colon cancers are similar in that there is a significant decreased incidence when 25-OH-D levels are above 50 ng/ml; and particular when they reach 80 ng/ml.

As I speak on the "Power of Nutritional Supplementation," both in lectures and on my audio CD, I suggest that among other nutrients, when one considers there are so many potential health benefits to be obtained from nutritional supplementation of specific vitamins, let alone a full-range of quality supplements, with virtually no toxic effects, I have to ask why would anyone wait to supplement?

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease Associated with Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of both ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease. Supplementation also helps control blood pressure, it influences parathyroid hormone levels, influences the function of heart muscle, and plays a role in reduction of inflammation and calcification of blood vessels, thus helping to reduce atherosclerosis.

The risk for heart disease is particularly high when 25-OH-D blood levels are below 15 ng/ml. With 25-OH-D levels above 30 ng/ml cardiac benefits may possibly be significant. Obviously, more studies are needed to draw conclusions about this vitamin's role in maintaining and/or reducing cardiovascular disease, but once again, I can only say that there is now enough evidence when taken as a whole, for everyone to consider supplementing with adequate doses of this all-important vitamin for any or "all" of the potential health benefits.

Reduced Risk of Influenza with Vitamin D

It is well established that vitamin D reduces the incidence of respiratory infections. Children who have been found to have the lowest 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood levels are 11 times more likely to develop respiratory infections. I have been asked about the safety and effectiveness of children supplementing with this vitamin. One can only look to clinical information. Children with recurrent respiratory infections have been given as high a dose as 60,000 IU of vitamin D3 (the active form) each week (for six weeks), and found to have not one such infection for the following 6 months!

Many people suffer and die from influenza, or the "flu." They don't die of the viral infection per se, as much as they die from the body's over-reaction. The influenza virus causes an uncontrolled over-production of inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, vitamin D turns down this process by "down regulating" the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

Actually, the pro-inflammatory cytokine process is the same inflammatory process that occurs in chronic disease, such as inflammation of arteries in atherosclerosis, inflammation in arthritis, damage to neurons, and inflammation and damage caused by cancer cells and by the aging process itself.

Think about the possibilities of reducing inflammation, by down regulating cytokines (tumor necrosis factor alpha, etc.) and thus reducing the incidence and progression of many chronic degenerative diseases, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, diabetes, respiratory infections, liver and kidney disease, and the aging process itself!

Regarding vitamin D (really a hormone) and the protection of respiratory infections and influenza, in addition to the down regulation of inflammatory cytokines, this unique hormone also up-regulates the expression of anti-microbial peptides in immune cells. Anti-microbial peptides damage the outer lipid membranes of influenza viruses, bacteria, and fungi allowing the white blood cells (macrophages) from the immune system to eliminate them from the body.

I suggest that adults and children supplement with much higher doses than what was has been traditionally recommended to reduce the incidence of respiratory infections and help support the immune system, particularly during winter months when exposure to sunlight is decreased.

Vitmain D May Help Reduce the Risk of Complications of Pregnancy

Maintaining health during pregnancy is a chief concern of mine because it is critical that women get proper cellular nutrition throughout their pregnancies. Optimal supplementation should take place before a woman even knows she's pregnant. This is one reason why I recommend all women of child-bearing age be on a full-spectrum of quality nutritional supplements. Now, with recent information about the benefits of vitamin D during pregnancy, the amount of vitamin D in prenatal vitamins is quite inadequate, least in my opinion.

Vitamin D plays a key role for calcium metabolism during pregnancy and development in order to prevent infantile rickets and adult osteomalacia. During pregnancy, calcium demands rapidly increase, particularly in the third trimester. Because of this, vitamin D, which is required for calcium incorporation into the bones becomes crucial for proper skeletal growth and optimal maternal and fetal outcomes. Despite widespread use of prenatal vitamins containing what is thought to be "adequate" doses of vitamin D, there is still a vitamin D deficiency epidemic among pregnant and lactating women.

It is even more important that a pregnant woman have optimal vitamin D blood levels than a non-pregnant woman, as her baby's health depends on it,...not only during fetal life, but during the next two decades of that baby's life!

Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy and infancy are associated with maternal preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension, neonatal low birth weight and hypocalcemia, poor postnatal growth, bone fragility, and increased incidence of autoimmune diseases and asthma of the child.

During pregnancy a minimum blood level of vitamin D (25-hydroxyVitamin D) should be at least 32 ng/ml or greater; and optimally closer to 50 ng/ml. In order to achieve and maintain 25-hydroxvitamin D serum levels at 32 - 50 ng/ml, I suggest that pregnant and lactating women would possibly need to supplement with a dose between 2000 and 4000 IU/day of vitamin D3 per day, which is both safe and effective. Of course, this is beyond the level found in all prenatal vitamins.

Childhood Asthma Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency

The asthma epidemic may be explained in part by the vitamin D deficiency epidemic. There is a direct correlation between low serum vitamin D levels and higher risks for asthma exacerbations. Vitamin D plays a role in fetal lung growth and development. Epidemiologic evidence suggests that higher prenatal vitamin D intake has a protective role against wheezing illnesses in children. Vitamin D may protect against wheezing illnesses through its multiple immune effects as discussed above. In addition, vitamin D may play a therapeutic role among asthmatics from becoming steroid resistant.

Above I indicated that vitamin D plays an important role in reducing the risk of respiratory infections. In children, and adults for that matter, with asthma, supplementation with high dose vitamin D is of even more importance, as a respiratory infection can trigger attack.

Measuring Your Vitamin D Status

The question on most people's mind is, "How much vitamin D is the right dose?" The best way to know one's "correct" dose is to know your 25-hydroxyVitamin D blood level. This is the metabolically-active form of vitamin D, and is also known as calcidiol. It is abbreviated as 25-OH-D. In the past, "adequate" blood levels were set to prevent rickets and then osteoporosis. The myriad benefits and safety of vitamin D is coming to light.

Most laboratories have a normal reference range for 25-OH-D of 32 - 100 ng/ml. After studying what many of the experts in the field of vitamin D deficiency treatment have recommended, it varying widely, I am in line with suggesting that one's "optimal" serum 25-OH-D level should be between 50 - 80 ng/ml.

What Dose of Vitamin D is Optimal?

The vitamin D dose required to attain a serum level range of 50 - 80 ng/ml will vary from person to person, mostly based upon body mass (weight) and sun exposure. Although this will vary considerably, a 150 lb person who supplements with 2000 IU of vitamin D per day may attain blood level range of 25-OH-D between 30 and 45 ng/ml, depending upon sun exposure. In my experience, it seems that this same person may need to take 4000 IU/day, or more, to attain optimal blood levels between 50 and 80 ng/ml.

Again, from my experience, and it this will vary widely. A person who weighs 225 lbs. may require a dose of 10,000 IU/day to maintain 25-hydroxyVitamin D blood serum levels between 50 and 80 ng/ml. A person's true dose can only be determined by blood tests and titration (adjustments based upon the blood tests).

My suggestion would be to start with vitamin D at either 4000 to 6000 IU/day, depending upon your weight; or you may safely opt to take 10,000 IU/day, and then have your 25-OH-D blood level tested about 6 to 8 weeks later. Your optimal blood level target range for optimal health is 50 - 80 ng/ml. Therefore, once you know your blood level, you may adjust your daily vitamin D intake accordingly.

Are High Doses of Vitamin D Safe?

Is long-term "high dose" of vitamin D3 safe? There may be concern that high doses of vitamin D may elevate serum calcium levels and cause kidney stones in those at risk. There was a study in which vitamin D deficient patients received either a single oral, or a single intramuscular injection of 300,000 IU of vitamin D and followed for 12 weeks. During the 12 weeks not one person had elevated levels of serum calcium (or hypercalcemia).

This doesn't mean that chronic super high doses of vitamin D will not raise blood calcium levels; however, there are no credible reports of vitamin D toxicity with chronic daily vitamin D3 supplementation up to 10,000 IU/day, including elevation of blood calcium. In fact, many vitamin D expert clinicians are routinely recommending doses well above 10,000 IU/day. Hypercalcemia (an elevated serum calcium level) is only observed with synthetic vitamin D analogues, such as calcitriol.

Since it is safe for most people to supplement with vitamin D with doses as high as 10,000 IU/day (and possibly higher) without concern, my recommendation of a starting dose between 4000 - 6000 IU/day is quite conservative.

Are there Contraindications for High-Dose Vitamin D?

Primary hyperparathyroidism is the main contraindication. Also, high dose vitamin D3 supplementation may cause elevation of serum calcium levels in patients with sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, or lymphoma. Therefore, in such cases, patients dosing with levels above 2000 IU per day should do so only with caution AND under the care and direction of a physician.

One Last Word: Maintain Proper Ratios and Balance of Vitamins

Vitamin D3 is obviously safe. It has been underestimated as an important vitamin for many decades for maintaining optimal health at least, and possibly for reducing the risk of many chronic diseases if boosted to optimal blood levels. However, as will all vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, or any other nutrient, vitamin D should be taken in balance! All nutrients should be used to supplement a healthy diet, and used in conjunction with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Balance and proper ratios of nutrients are critical, as in the case of vitamin D with vitamin A. Vitamin A can neutralize the beneficial effects of vitamin D. In addition, many people are aware that high doses of vitamin A can be toxic to the liver and cause birth defects. However, most are not aware that vitamin A and vitamin D compete for each other's function in the body. Supplementing with excess amounts of vitamin A can suppress the important cancer-fighting effects of vitamin D.

Most multivitamin preparations contain vit A. Vitamin A (or pre-formed vitamin A) is different from pro-vitamin A, or beta-carotene. Beta-carotene does not interfere with vitamin D. Nor is beta-carotene associated with birth defects or liver problems.

Therefore, in choosing a quality, broad spectrum supplement brand, it is my suggestion to choose one that provides beta-carotene (a.k.a. "pro-vitamin A"), not vitamin A. This is just one of many criteria in choosing a quality supplement brand. As it relates to this article, choose a supplement that provides a daily dose of vitamin D3 of at least 2000 IU/day,...and consider taking at least 4000 IU/day and having your blood tested to achieve the target range of 50 - 80 ng/ml.

We should never rely on one vitamin, juice, or magic potion to cure all our problems. However, we should not ignore the ever-emerging evidence and promise that science is uncovering of the benefits nature has to offer in helping us to maintain optimal health.

I am a major proponent of using a broad spectrum of high quality vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids at proper doses and balance, along with healthy eating and proper lifestyle. I do not claim that all the answers are found in one vitamin or antioxidant, but many of the answers to optimal health are found in the synergistic action of the blend and balance of the fullest range of supplementation we are willing to incorporate into our lives.

High-Dose Vitamin D and the Decreased Incidence of Chronic Disease,

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common disorders of the colon. This issue occurs when various veins throughout the area of the lower area of the colon or generally vicinity of the anal area become inflamed and swollen. This devastating condition can affect both males and females, and is not limited to a particular age group. There are two basic types of hemorrhoids. These types include external and internal. Many people may experience a combination of both types of hemorrhoids. In this article, hemorrhoids symptoms revealed, you will become familiar with the various symptoms that occur with this unpleasant medical condition.

External hemorrhoids are the most popular form of this medical condition. When a person experiences hemorrhoids which are on the exterior of the body, they will find that they suffer from the following symptoms:

Colon Rectal Cancer

o There may be mild to severe pain in and around the area of the rectum.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

o A person may find that when they attempt to have a bowel movement that it is extremely difficult to pass the stools involved.

o When a person with external hemorrhoids passes stools, they may notice that there is blood on the tissue afterwards.

o A person may experience a hard knot, or lump, where the hemorrhoids have formed in or around the rectal area.

With internal hemorrhoids, there may be a number of symptoms that an individual experiences. One of the most common of these that are experienced is the presence of blood. An individual who is experiencing hemorrhoids symptoms may notice that when they have a bowel movement, there is blood present on the stools. A person who is exhibiting internal hemorrhoids symptoms may also find that blood is evident on the tissue once they have passed their stools. However, there are numerous other symptoms that may be experienced as well. These include:

o Pain is the most obvious internal hemorrhoids symptoms. This is due to the fact that many of these hemorrhoids actually develop internally and grow out of the anus. Seeing that hemorrhoids are often inflamed and swollen, the muscles around the hemorrhoids often tighten up around them. This can result in an immense pressure that can lead to pain. Just as in external hemorrhoids, the pain that is experienced by internal hemorrhoids can be mild to severe. However, if severe pain is experienced with hemorrhoids that are internal, it is imperative that a person seeks medical care.

o Internal Hemorrhoids symptoms may include itching and discomfort around the area of the rectum. When a person experiences hemorrhoids, the muscles often squeeze them so tight that a form of fluid, or mucus, is released. That, in conjunction with the small area that they are located, may cause the skin to become irritated. When this occurs, itching is often the result.

o The next internal hemorrhoids symptoms are that in which a person feels as if they must continue with their bowel movement, even when they realize that they are finished. This particular urge is normally a result of the inflamed hemorrhoids. The body "thinks" that there is more to be passed, when, in fact, there is not. If you have not been officially diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, and you experience this urge, it is important to seek medical advice. The reason that this is important is because patients who have colon cancer also experience this symptom. In colon cancer, it is often the result of a tumor protruding out somewhere along the large intestines.

o Many individuals who experience hemorrhoids symptoms find that they experience a change in their bowel movements. The person may start to experience constipation more often, or may even have diarrhea more frequently. If this hemorrhoid symptom becomes evident, it may be time to seek assistance with the issue of this condition.

There are many different reasons why a person may develop hemorrhoids. Many people just have a predisposition for this condition due to their genetics. If a person naturally has weak walls throughout the intestines and veins, hemorrhoids may develop. In addition to this, there are other causes, which include:

o Pregnancy

o Lack of fiber in the daily diet

o Straining while experiencing a bowel movement

o Being overweight

o A general deficiency in important minerals and vitamins

o Cleaning the area of the anus in a harsh and rough manner

o Experiencing either constipation or diarrhea constantly

o Poor habits when it comes to the bathroom

Hemorrhoids, as you can see, can be an extremely uncomfortable medical condition. However, there are many ways in which you can soothe the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Suffering From Hemorrhoids

John Lim, the founder of and is an alternative health expert with more than 7 years of experience in natural hemorrhoids treatment. Please visit for more free information about hemorrhoids home remedy & relief.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Symptoms Can Be A Cause For Distress!

There is one dreaded health or body problem that most people want to avoid in their lives and that is hemorrhoids. There is nothing as painful and as inconvenient as having one. It makes it difficult to function because every movement, whether you stand, sit or lie down; you feel that excruciating pain on your behind. But what is more alarming is that sometimes you feel no pain but see red stains on your underwear or your stool when you move bowels. This means you have bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms.

Hemorrhoids are caused by the swelling or inflammation of veins surrounding the rectal area. There are two types as one happens internally and the other does so externally. The external piles, as it is called sometimes, are the source of pain and irritation. This is because the swelling occurs outside the anus and can make it quite difficult for a person to move since doing so happens to make contact with the swollen vein and pain is felt. Internal piles however are more likely the cause of bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms because although you might only feel a smidge of discomfort, you might be oozing blood every time you go to the porcelain chair.

Colon Rectal Cancer

It is not unnatural to get this as it is a common occurrence in the human pathology. Most experts would say that you have nothing to worry about because there are natural cures as well as a few medical procedures that can make this go away as fast and easily as possible. However, if you have internal piles, then you might still need to go have thorough check up with the doctors as this could be symptoms to other health complications that are serious in nature such as colon cancer.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Symptoms Can Be A Cause For Distress!

Bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms are not really a cause for distress but all the same be wary and careful as prevention is better than cure. Eating healthy and drinking a lot of water can help ease the pain and prevent it from happening. Increasing your fiber intake will also help ease stool properly from your system. The easier you defecate the farther you are from this literal pain in the buttocks!

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Symptoms Can Be A Cause For Distress!

Bleeding hemorrhoids symptoms can often mean something else so it is better that you are aware of the other complications it might lead to. James Olsen is one of the leading experts on this subject. Check his website and free mini-course and start being in the know!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Cholesterol Conspiracy - The Truth About Statins And Nutritional Supplementation

"All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Second, it is violently opposed.

The Cholesterol Conspiracy - The Truth About Statins And Nutritional Supplementation

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

(1788 - 1860)

What is the true cause of heart disease, and how can we truly reduce the risk of death?

Atherosclerosis, or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In the U.S. alone, there are more than one million heart attacks every year, one third of them resulting in death. The majority of men and women currently have, or are actively developing, atherosclerosis. By age 20, most people already have a 15-25% narrowing of their arteries due to plaque formation. By age 40, there is a 30-50% clogging of their arteries.

In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, congestive heart disease (CHD) was mostly a result of rheumatic fever, which was a childhood disease. However by the year 1936 there was a dramatic change in the main cause of heart disease. Cardiovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup, took first place as the primary cause of heart disease, making congestive heart failure a distant second.

During the 1950's, the autopsies conducted on men who died of heart disease that revealed plaque-clogged arteries concluded that cholesterol was the cause of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and coronary artery disease. Cholesterol, not calcium, was considered the "cause" of heart disease, despite plaque consisting of 95% calcium and a relatively small percentage of cholesterol. By 1956 there were 600,000 deaths annually from heart disease in the U.S. Of those 600,000, 90% were caused by atherosclerosis, or clogged arteries. In fewer than 25 years, the number one cause of death in the U.S. had changed dramatically ...from congestive heart disease to coronary artery disease.

Because cholesterol was dubbed the "cause" of atherosclerosis, the effort to lower cholesterol by any means began in earnest. Both the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry seized upon this opportunity to cash in on a cholesterol-lowering campaign by creating foods and drugs that would supposedly save lives. Diets, such as the Prudent Diet, were established to lower the amount of cholesterol intake from food. There was no doubt that both polyunsaturated oils and drugs reduced cholesterol, but by 1966 it was also apparent that lowering cholesterol did not translate into a reduced risk of death from heart disease.

As there was so much money to be made from pharmaceutical development, the campaign to produce cholesterol-lowering drugs kicked into high gear, despite the lack of evidence showing that the lowering cholesterol reduced the risk of untimely death from heart disease.

Heart disease kills 725,000 Americans annually, with women accounting for 2/3 or nearly 500,000 of those deaths. After thirty years of cholesterol-lowering medications' failure to significantly lower the death rate from cardiovascular disease, in 1987 a new and more dangerous class of drugs was unleashed upon the world: the "statin" drugs. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are now the standard of care that physicians are indoctrinated into prescribing to reduce cardiovascular disease. Are statin drugs the best way to prevent heart attacks and death?

Before 1936 the most common type of heart disease was congestive heart disease (CHD). It rarely caused sudden death and could be treated with the drug digitalis. The incidence of CHD remained stable until 1987, after which the incidence of the disease skyrocketed. Interestingly, the timing of the increased incidence of congestive heart disease coincides with the introduction of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Could cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have something to do with the weakening of heart muscles and the increased incidence of congestive heart failure? We will see that lowering the body's co-enzyme Q10 levels, a side effect of statin drugs, does indeed increase the risk of muscle damage, including the muscles of the heart.

Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized primarily by inflammation of the arterial lining caused by oxidative damage from homocysteine, a toxic amino acid intermediary found in everyone. Homocsyteine, in combination with other free radicals and toxins, oxidizes arteries, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, which in turn releases C Reactive Protein (CRP) from the liver-a marker of an inflammatory response within the arteries. Inflammation (oxidation) is the beginning of plaque buildup and ultimately, cardiovascular disease. Plaque, combined with the thickening of arterial smooth muscles, arterial spasms, and clotting, puts a person at a high risk of suffering heart attack or stroke.

For years, doctors have hyper-focused on cholesterol levels. First it was the total cholesterol; later the focus became the ratio of "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol. In other words, how much of your cholesterol was good, and how much was bad? Of the two, the important parameter is the level of HDL cholesterol, not LDL cholesterol. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is responsible for clearing out the LDL cholesterol that sticks to arterial walls. Exercise, vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants, particularly the bioflavonoid and olive polyphenol antioxidants, increase HDL cholesterol levels and protect the LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage, and therefore do more to reduce the risk of heart disease than any medication ever could.

There is nothing inherently bad about LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is critical to maintain life. LDL cholesterol only becomes "bad" when it is damaged, or oxidized by free radicals. Only the damaged, or oxidized form of LDL cholesterol sticks to the arterial walls to initiate the formation of plaque.

Let us look towards cigarette smoking for a simple example demonstrating that we really need to reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol to prevent atherosclerosis, as opposed to indiscriminately lowering LDL cholesterol with statin drugs. Everyone knows that cigarette smoking increases the risk of many chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Smokers with normal levels of LDL cholesterol are at an even greater risk of developing heart disease than a non-smoker who has elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. Of course the reason why a smoker with normal levels of LDL cholesterol is at greater risk of disease is because his LDL gets excessively oxidized.

Cigarette smoke releases so many toxins and free radicals that the LDL cholesterol, the triglycerides, and the arterial walls are extensively oxidized. Homocysteine levels are also increased by cigarette smoking which further oxidizes LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining. Oxidation is the initiating cause of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the more and longer one smokes, the more oxidative damage he sustains and the greater his risk of developing heart disease. The degree of oxidation directly corresponds to the risk of heart disease.

If you are not taking vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants then your LDL cholesterol is being oxidized, it is sticking to your arterial walls, and you ARE developing heart disease EVEN IF YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVELS ARE NORMAL! LDL cholesterol starts sticking to arterial walls before the age of 5.

Among the many free radicals that damage cholesterol, triglycerides and the arterial lining is homocysteine, a toxic intermediate biochemical produced during the conversion of the amino acid methionine into another important amino acid, cysteine. Both methionine and cysteine are non-toxic, but homocysteine is very toxic to the lining of the arterial endothelium. Homocysteine oxidizes LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and the arterial lining.

Homocysteine is an amino acid normally produced in small amounts from the amino acid methionine. The normal role of homocysteine in the body is to control growth and support bone and tissue formation. However a problem arises when homocysteine levels in the body are elevated, causing excessive damage to LDL cholesterol, as well as to arteries. Furthermore, homocysteine actually stimulates growth of arteriosclerotic plaque, which leads to heart disease.

Thyroid hormone controls the level of homocysteine, but numerous factors play a role in the elevation of homocysteine. Normal aging, kidney failure, smoking, some medications, and industrial toxins all elevate homocysteine levels. Interestingly, estrogen helps lower homocysteine.

Homocysteine becomes elevated in the blood with a deficiency of the B vitamins-B6, B12 and folic acid. Genetics also play a role. About 12% of the population has an undetected defect requiring higher levels of folic acid than the rest of population to help maintain homocysteine levels in a safe range (below 6.5). Therefore if you have high homocysteine levels (> 7.0) even though you are taking supplemental B complex vitamins, then you may be among the 12% who need more than 1000 mcg of folic acid per day. In addition, betaine, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG) lowers homocysteine.

Homocysteine is second only to cigarette smoking in its oxidative destruction. It causes small nicks or tears in the arterial lining, while also oxidizing and damaging LDL cholesterol. The damaged, or oxidized LDL cholesterol sticks to the homocysteine-damaged areas of the arterial lining. The combination of oxidized LDL cholesterol and a damaged arterial lining is what causes LDL cholesterol to stick to the arteries, whether or not the LDL cholesterol level is normal.

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are the standard for treating high cholesterol. This is dogma, and anyone who states otherwise is committing medical heresy. Many people find it hard to believe that pharmaceutical companies could ever succeed in paying medical researchers, medical associations, and doctors to recommend something detrimental to our health.

Most people do not know that pharmaceutical companies fund medical institutions, medical education, medical conferences, and still reward doctors and research institutions for providing favorable results on their drugs. Likewise, pharmaceutical companies often suppress negative results from studies done on their drugs. Money has the power to sweep negative results and serious side effects under the rug. Money has the power to influence the FDA to decide which drugs make it to market and which drugs become the "standard" of treatment.

Former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr. Marcia Angell, warned of the problem of commercializing scientific research in her outgoing editorial titled "Is Academic Medicine for Sale?" Angell called for stronger restrictions on pharmaceutical stock ownership and other financial incentives for researchers. She said that growing conflicts of interest were tainting science, warning "When the boundaries between industry and academic medicine become as blurred as they are now, the business goals of industry influence the mission of medical schools in multiple ways." She did not discount the benefits of research but said, "a Faustian bargain" now existed between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Angell left the NEJM in June 2000 and has written a book, "The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It."

Two years later, in June 2002, the NEJM announced that it was going to begin accepting articles that were written by biased researchers, as there weren't enough unbiased researchers left to write articles. In other words, most research institutions were now funded by one or more of the numerous pharmaceutical companies.

An ABC report noted that a survey of clinical trials revealed that when a drug company did not fund a study, favorable results regarding a drug were found only 50% of the time. In studies funded by drug companies favorable results about the drugs were reported an amazing 90% of the time. Money can and does buy the desired results. This is how most medical research and drugs are now developed and brought to market.

In 1977, the internationally-renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey pointed out that only 30-40% of people with blocked arteries and heart disease have elevated blood cholesterol levels, and posed the logical question, "How do you explain the other 60-70%?"

Because lowering cholesterol did not reduce the risk of death from heart disease, the Cholesterol Consensus Conference in 1984 developed new guidelines to lower the "acceptable level" of cholesterol. High cholesterol would now be the diagnosis for any man or woman with a cholesterol level over 200. Doctors had to convince their patients that they had the disease and needed to take one or more expensive drugs for the rest of their lives.

However, when lowering total cholesterol levels below 200 did not translate into saving lives from heart attacks, the focus then turned to LDL cholesterol levels. The "disease" of high cholesterol was refined to the disease of high LDL cholesterol. The unfortunate patient who had an LDL cholesterol level above 130 was now condemned to a lifetime of expensive drugs. Though completely illogical, even when a person with normal LDL cholesterol levels suffered a heart attack, he would still be prescribed a cholesterol-lowering drug.

As we shall see, statin drugs reduce the risk of death by repeat heart attacks by as much as 30%, but interestingly enough, the mechanism of action in reducing the risk of death after a heart attack is not via statin drugs' ability to lower cholesterol! It has been discovered that statin drugs have a modest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Yet, there are many natural antioxidants that reduce inflammation and oxidation of LDL cholesterol and the lining of the arteries, which may soon be discovered to be more effective in reducing the risk of death than "antioxidant drugs," without toxic side effects.

The myth that high LDL cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease, and that we must be on drugs to protect ourselves is dispelled by the evidence. If the premise were true that people with high levels of LDL cholesterol get heart disease, then we could assume that people with normal levels of LDL should not get heart disease, or at least very few should get it. However, as Dr. DeBakey observed, approximately 60% of those who die from heart disease have normal LDL cholesterol levels!

Furthermore, after over 45 years of doctors prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs, heart disease and stroke still remain the number one cause of death in both women and men. This says that regardless of whether you have a high or a normal level of cholesterol, you have a 50% chance of dying from heart disease. If this is so, and it is, then why take a dangerous drug to attempt to lower your cholesterol in the first place?

In 2001, the target level of LDL cholesterol was lowered from 130 to 100, and overnight the number of people considered to be candidates for cholesterol statin drugs doubled. Many people such as myself bristled at the news, because we knew the effectiveness of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in preventing and reversing heart disease. Many of us could see the conspiracy for what it was.

The level at which LDL cholesterol is considered normal has continually been influenced by pharmaceutical companies, who pull the financial strings of research grants that keep medical schools and medical organizations in business. The lower they can establish the level at which LDL cholesterol is considered to be normal, the more people automatically become victims of the dreaded disease of "high cholesterol." Therefore, more people will be persuaded that they need to be taking a statin drug, and voilà, more profit for the manufacturers. When you consider the size of the profits already received, let alone the potential profit from statin drugs over the next several years, the cholesterol conspiracy is one of the largest money making schemes ever perpetrated on the world.

In July 2004, the level of LDL cholesterol considered normal underwent another change. The new norm plunged from 100 to 70, virtually doubling again the number of people who are "infected" with the plague of high cholesterol. Why, it's the epidemic of our time! Many enlightened people howled at this news, wondering if the masses would ever wake up and see who is behind this, and why. Why is the medical establishment ignoring the thousands of published medical studies that show the beneficial effects of nutritional supplements against heart disease? Why is the medical establishment down-playing the dangerous and deadly side effects of statin drugs?

The "updated" LDL cholesterol recommendations were published in the July 2004 issue of the American Heart Association's publication, Circulation. A panel from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, which is endorsed by the American College of Cardiology, and the American Heart Association, were the ones who actually pronounced the new cholesterol level at which drugs should be prescribed. Sounds pretty official and reliable if these powerful medical institutions are backing up these recommendations, right?

The fact is eight of the nine panel members making the new LDL cholesterol recommendations were being paid by the statin-producing pharmaceutical companies. The panelists did not disclose their financial conflict of interest. This information was uncovered by Newsday, a Long Island, New York
newspaper (D. Ricks and R. Robins, Newsday, July 15, 2004). Seven of the nine panelists have financial connections to Pfizer, the makers of Lipitor®. Five of the nine served as "consultants" to Pfizer. So, what did the other two panelists do to deserve their money? Seven of the nine panelists also received money from Merck, the producers of Zocor®, with four of them serving as "consultants" to the company. Eight of the panelists who made the recommendations that would increase the prescribing of statin drugs have received either research grants or honoraria from Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Glaxo Smith Kline, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, and many other drug companies that produce statin drugs.

You would think that with all the advertising and recommendations from medical experts on the benefits of statin drugs, the medical community would possess overwhelming evidence that the drugs reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. A hint of some of the smoke and mirrors in the pharmaceutical companies' advertising can be seen in their TV commercials. Read carefully the small print on some of Crestor's® commercial advertising. Their commercial states how much it lowers LDL cholesterol. However, in the same ad you can read, "...Crestor® has not been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease or heart attack." If so, then why take it? Isn't the bottom line to prevent death?

The system for reporting adverse effects from medications is tremendously flawed, so much so that many people are seriously harmed or killed by some medications before they are finally removed from the market. Most doctors do not know what symptoms or effects are due to the drug, what should be reported, or even to whom to report adverse effects. They assume that the research that went into developing the drug has already identified all the effects and that a drug brought to market is "safe." However, only one in twenty side effects is ever reported to either hospital administrators or the FDA.

Statin drugs block cholesterol production in the body by inhibiting the enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase in the early steps of its synthesis in the mevalonate pathway. Cholesterol is one of three end products in the mevalonate chain. This same biosynthetic pathway is also used to create co-enzyme Q10, or co-Q10, as well as dilochol. Therefore, one unfortunate consequence of statin drugs is the unintentional inhibition of both Co-Q10 and dilochol synthesis.

The drug information insert of a statin drug states that it lowers co-enzyme Q10 levels. Most doctors have forgotten their biochemistry class in medical school, and forgotten about the importance of Co-Q10. Therefore they apparently are not concerned about such a statement on the drug labeling information sheet. They may even reassure their patients that lowering Co-Q10 is nothing to worry about, but at the same time warn them that the drug may cause liver damage and to have their liver enzymes checked every three to six months to make sure the drug isn't killing them. They do not realize that it is the depletion of Co-Q10 that leads to liver damage and death.

Ubiquinone, or co-enzyme Q10, is a critical cellular nutrient created in the cell's mitochondria, the "engines" that produce energy for the cell. Mitochondria use sugar, oxygen, and water to produce energy molecules known as ATP. Without ATP cells could do nothing. Damaged tissues could not be repaired. Cells could not divide or produce or utilize proteins, enzymes, or hormones. Death of cells, and indeed of the human body would occur if ATP could no longer be produced and utilized. Co-Q10 functions within the mitochondria as an electron carrier to cytochrome oxidase, our main respitory enzyme, which helps turn oxygen and sugar into energy. The heart requires high levels of oxygen, sugar, and Co-Q10 since it utilizes a lot of energy. A form of Co-Q10 called ubiquinone is found in all cell membranes, where it plays a role in maintaining membrane integrity, so critical to nerve conduction and muscle contraction. Co-Q10 is also vital for the formation of elastin and collagen, which make up the connective tissues of the skin, musculature, and the cardiovascular system.

The most common side effect of statin drugs is muscle pain and weakness. In fact, many patients who start on the statin drugs almost immediately notice generalized fatigue and muscle weakness. This is due to the depletion of Co-Q10 needed to support muscle function. Dr. Beatrice Golomb of San Diego, California, is currently conducting a series of studies on statin side effects. The pharmaceutical industry insists that only 2-3% of patients get muscle aches and cramps, when in fact in one study, Golomb found that 98% of patients taking Lipitor®, and one-third of the patients taking Mevacor® (a lower dose statin), suffered noticeable to significant muscle problems.

Some people on statin drugs lose coordination of their muscles. Some develop pain in their muscles, some are not able to write due to loss of fine motor skills. Many lose the strength to exercise. Others are falling more frequently as their muscles give out, still others have trouble sleeping due to muscle cramping and twitching. Even worse, many people are experiencing most of these side effects. The problems are so numerous, it is difficult to list all the symptoms people might experience. These problems do not come from the "disease" of high cholesterol, but the disease of ignorance in prescribing these drugs.

As we age, Co-Q10 levels decline naturally. From the age of 20 to 80, Co-Q10 levels fall by nearly 50%. Along with the natural decline of Co-Q10, comes a natural decrease in energy and an increase in the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. If the natural decline of Co-Q10 levels increases the risk of fatigue, cancer, heart disease, and stroke, would it not make sense that accelerating the decline of Co-Q10 levels with statin drugs would have the same effect? They do indeed!

Demonstrating the importance of Co-Q10 to cardiovascular health, in a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study of people either taking or not taking statin drugs, supplementation with Co-Q10 reduced the risk of heart attacks and death in those with heart disease and prior heart attacks by 50%, regardless of whether they were on a statin drug or not. (Singh R, Neki N, Kartikey K, et al. Effect of coenzyme Q10 on risk of atherosclerosis in patients with recent myocardial infarction. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Apr; 246(1-2):75-82.)

Additionally, Co-Q10 was shown to increase blood levels of vitamin E and significantly increase the levels of protective HDL. As low HDL is a major risk factor for heart disease, increasing it is a definite benefit. Statin drugs were shown not to provide any benefit beyond that of supplementing with Co-Q10. Let me make this clear - in this study only the co-enzyme Q10 provided any benefit, not the drugs!

Cardiologist Dr. Peter Langsjoen of East Texas University reported the effects of Lipitor® among 20 patients who started with completely normal hearts. After six months on a low dose of 20 mg of Lipitor® per day, two thirds of the patients started to show signs of heart failure, as seen by abnormalities in the heart's filling phase. According to Dr. Langsjoen, this malfunction is due to Co-Q10 depletion. Nine controlled trials using statin drugs in humans have been conducted thus far. Eight of these showed significant statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion leading to a decline in left ventricular function and other biochemical imbalances.

In the United States, the incidence of heart attacks over the past ten to fifteen years has declined slightly. But congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy have risen alarmingly. Is it a coincidence that statin drugs were first marketed in 1987, and then from 1989 to 1997, deaths from congestive heart failure more than doubled? 38 It scares me that virtually all patients with heart failure are put on statin drugs, even if their cholesterol is already low. In my opinion, the worst thing to do for a failing heart is take a statin drug. The best thing is to take is a full range of quality nutritional supplements, ...vitamins, minerals, fish oil, and other antioxidants, including Co-Q10.

Various antioxidants work synergistically, each contributing to the fight against free radicals in different areas and in different ways. In the blood stream, water-soluble antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and grape seed extract come in contact with and neutralize free radicals before they damage LDL-cholesterol. Other antioxidants saturate arterial walls and other tissues, and protect collagen and elastic fibers from free radical damage, reducing inflammation and plaque formation. The fat-soluble antioxidants, vitamin E, beta carotene, and co-enzyme Q10 ride along in the blood fat (triglycerides) and LDL cholesterol, protecting them and the endothelium from oxidation. Vitamin E sits on the surface of LDL cholesterol, protecting it from free radical damage. Beta carotene, grape seed extract and olive extract penetrate deeper inside the LDL cholesterol and arterial walls, adding more protection from oxidation. Quercetin and alpha lipoic acid work through nitrous oxide pathways to reduce high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease.

A report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2005 looked at 97 double-blind controlled studies comparing the efficacy of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to fish oil. They found that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs reduced the risk of death from heart disease by only 13%, and
interesting enough it was NOT due to the effect of lowering cholesterol. The benefits, although small, were derived from the fact that statin drugs have a slight antioxidant effect.

Even more interesting, the salmon oil was shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 23%, nearly double the benefit of statin drugs. Salmon oil is an omega-3 fatty acid that gets incorporated into cholesterol and triglycerides and prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Since LDL cholesterol is protected from excessive oxidation there is less plaque buildup and less risk of heart disease.

Inflammation is a well-known component in the formation of atherosclerosis. To keep it simple, think of inflammation and oxidation as the same process. The immune system's response to inflammation is to
release peroxides that act like acid to break down damaged tissues, so that cells from the immune system, macrophages, can consume the molecules and clean up the site. But peroxides escalate the oxidation/inflammation process, thus damaging more tissue. The arterial walls become more inflamed, escalating the formation of plaque and scarring. The downward cycle continues until atherosclerosis is so advanced that the occurrence of a heart attack or stroke becomes imminent.

The liver's response to inflammation is to release C reactive protein (CRP) into the blood. Other inflammatory causes can cause elevated CRP levels, including cigarette smoking, obesity, insulin insensitivity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infections, dementia, colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, and aging. Accordingly, elevated CRP levels are a direct indication of inflammation in the body and that atherosclerosis, including heart disease, is actively developing.

Homocysteine and high sensitivity CRP levels can and should be tested. Dr. Jialal, of the Universtity of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, is well known for his research correlating oxidized LDL cholesterol as the true cause of atherosclerosis, has also identified high sensitivity C reactive protein as a predictive risk factor for inflammation of arterial walls and plaque formation. Your doctor may not test for these routinely, but you should insist on getting these tests done. Both of these predictive values can be kept at "safe" levels. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can lower the levels of homocysteine and CRP. The B vitamins, along with betaine, or tri-methyl-glycine (TMG), change homocysteine into safer amino acids and reduce inflammation of the LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining.

When you receive the results of your homocysteine test, do not accept the answer, "Your test was normal." Ask for the actual number. The doctor and nurse usually know what is normal by what the lab slip states as the "normal range." Most lab results report a normal homocysteine level as being below 10.4, when in fact, since the early 1990's, researchers have known that a homocysteine count above 6.5 signals a rapid linear rise in the risk for heart disease.

Furthermore, with every 3 point elevation of homocysteine above 6.5, e.g., when homocysteine levels are 9.5, the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) rises by an additional 35%! Yet you may be told that 9.5 is "normal and not to worry." With a homocysteine level of 12.5, the increase in the
risk for heart disease exceeds 70%. The greater the homocysteine level, the greater the oxidation
of both LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining. The greater the inflammation, the higher the CRP. Is it any wonder that homocysteine and CRP levels are more predictive for risk of heart disease than cholesterol levels and ratios?

I need to emphasize that anyone whether they have a medical problem or not, should discuss this information with their physician before acting upon anything written here. The information provided is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. It is for informational purposes only; and no one should make decisions about their medications without consulting with their physician. No one should come off a cholesterol-lowering statin drug in lieu of nutritional supplements without a thorough discussion with their physician who is keenly aware of all the pros and cons of both treatment modalities.

In summary, I recommend a full spectrum of quality nutritional supplements, along with a healthy diet and exercise, to help obtain and maintain optimal heart and arterial health. I believe all would agree that lifestyle changes are the most important factor for optimal health, ...and many believe that quality nutritional supplements are key in protecting against the process that leads to, and accelerates the development of almost all chronic degenerative diseases, that of oxidation. To combat oxidation we need a full range of quality antioxidants.

The Cholesterol Conspiracy - The Truth About Statins And Nutritional Supplementation

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