Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Share Your Views on a Debating Platform

Debates are always considered to be something we did in schools or at college level. But presently, as grown adults too, it is really important for you to share your views and argue on counter views. You have to take the floor as every opinion counts in devising public policies.

We all watch the Parliamentary Debate very closely don't we? We have a right to know how the leaders are shaping policies directly affecting our lives. Now what if you had the chance to let your view known? What if you could let your experiences regarding an issue be known to the opinion formers somehow? Won't you like taking the floor once in a while? Well, it is possible for you to share the same platform as opinion formers and decision makers. This platform is provided by online debating sites, where you get to share your views and put across our opinions for those in seats of power to read and see.

It is quite possible that the arguments made by you on a key issue can be used to help others open their thoughts to new opinions, decisions and solutions. It is time you came forward as a more globally aware citizen and a more effective member of your community. You must share what you have to say on an issue plaguing the community, country or the world. You have a right to send your word across as the policies made on such issues will impact your daily lives along with millions of others.

Gone are the days when an average person could not access the corridors of power and reach out to the opinion formers. With the internet, all the boundaries have shrunk or disappeared. You can have a LIVE online discussion with a chief opinion former and thinker online! As a citizen, you can put across your side of the story and let the world know more about real issues faced by real people.

All you need to do is give a voice to your thoughts and the online debating site can act as your microphone. For making impactful and moving additions to any debate between thinkers, you need to think critically. You must apply your knowledge to problems you face every day so that you put forward solutions and suggestions in the best possible manner. Your words and expressions must help people understand the flip side of the issue; take a look at the different side of the story. Only then will any issue be discussed in its totality, discussing every aspect and probable solution.
What moves you? The rising unemployment levels, or the shaky economy, or the weak aspects of the education system, or the changing face of society and people, the disintegrating family structure- come forward and share your thoughts on the same. Leading thinkers and opinion formers of the day share their views on these issues and more on online debating platforms. Read their views and put forward your agreements/additions and counter views and see them respond to it. Even other visitors to the debate site might respond to your views and soon you will find yourself engaged in a full-fledged debate!

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