Monday, February 25, 2013

Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics For Diverticulitis And Their Side Effects

If you are living like several people around you then you consume junk food very much and food that can be harmful to your digestive system. Many people above the age of 40 are developing a condition known as diverticulitis which was rare before the 1900's. Generally when you face this condition you go to a doctor who prescribes medicine. In this article I will tell about the commonly prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis and some of their side effects.

If you are above 40 years of age, you are likely to have some diverticula ( pouches formed on the wall of colon ) which may eventually cause diverticulitis. You can prevent this from happening by just changing your diet to high fiber diet. This will help you to get control over the diverticula.

On the other hand if you are experiencing some pain in the abdominal area, bloating etc. it indicates that you have a mild case of diverticulitis. Some of the prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis are

Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics For Diverticulitis And Their Side Effects

1) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro): This antibiotic is commonly used for different treatments like infection of skin, lungs, bones and joints, urinary infections and infectious diarrheas. Some of the side effects observed when taking this antibiotic are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, rash, headache and rare allergic reactions. One thing to note is that this antibiotic can cause alteration in the bacteria in colon which may result in their overgrowth. This can lead to an inflammation of colon.

2) Metronidazole ( Flagyl): It is used for treating diseases which can occur in the abdomen, liver and pelvis. Generally it is well tolerated when used appropriately. However, some side effects may result. Nausea, headache, loss of appetite are minor side effects. Extreme side effects can be damage of nerves which can result in numbness.

3) Cephalexin (Keflex): Cephalexin is similar to pencillin. It is also prescribed to cure middle ear infections, tonsils, throat, larynx and bronchi infections. Some common side effects can be vomiting, nausea, dizziness, skin rash, fever, abdominal pain and nausea.

4) Doxycycline (Vibramycin): It is also used for treating respiratory tract infections, typhus, chancroid, rocky mountain spotted fever, syphilis and also acne. It is also well tolerated among the masses. Some common side effects that can happen are nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Sunburn can also occur during the course which can be tackled by reducing exposure to sunlight.

These are four prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis along with their side effects. Though these side effects are not seen in many but some of you might see them while getting treated. It is better to avoid these problems by taking care of your health from the beginning. You can start a healthy lifestyle today by giving up the junk foods and taking whole food which far beneficial to you.

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By the way did you know that the root cause of diverticulitis has been found out? You can even cure it completely without using these antibiotics which are harmful. Just go to Diverticulitis Cure

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Probiotics - Restoring Good Bacteria in Your Colon

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeasts in the form of a dietary supplement. Taking probiotics helps to replenish the natural gut flora that thrives in your digestive system. Doctors and nutritionists often recommend these, particularly after you have had a course of antibiotics. Many health professionals believe that probiotics help to increase the strength of the immune system and help you combat allergies as well as assist your body in regulating the gut flora.

After colon hydrotherapy, most hydrotherapists will serve you acidophilus. This common probiotic is often found in yogurts and other dairy foods. As you get older, eat meat, travel, and use prescription drugs such as antibiotics and corticosteroids, the good gut flora that exists in our digestive tract begins to decline. Much of this flora will typically help our immune systems and fight off disease, but as their numbers decline this protection declines as well.

In addition to helping our bodies stay disease free, this gut flora also helps us to digest our nutrients, vitamins and enzymes, especially the lactose in milk and dairy products. Probiotics help us to supplement those floras and to replace those that have died off. Daily intake of foods that contain probiotics helps with a number of digestive issues, such as constipation. They can also help to increase the amount of nutrients we absorb, reduce blood cholesterol and even help to protect against tumors and colon cancer.

Probiotics - Restoring Good Bacteria in Your Colon

There are several different strains of probiotic supplements. The most common strains of probiotics include:

oLactobacillus acidophilus

oLactobacillus casei

oBifidobacterium longum

oBifidobacterium bifidum

oSaccharomyces boulardii

The lactobacillus strains are helpful to the small intestine, while the bifidobacteria is helpful to the large intestine, as the generally reside in these areas.

Interestingly, vegetarians tend to have a healthy balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria, while people who eat meat tend to have larger amounts of "bad" bacteria, particularly Bacteroids.

Generally, probiotics have many health benefits and besides improving your overall digestion, they also help to:

oPrevent gas

oPrevent bloating

oPrevent bad breath

oReplenish "good" bacteria after antibiotic use

oEnhance the function of the immune system

oHelp digest food

oPrevent constipation

Probiotics not only have a positive effect on your colon, but also in other systems of your body including skin, respiratory and genital-urinary tracts. I am also available for telephone consultation. You may request a consultation by email through the website. Consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss diet program.

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Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a life style consultant and owner of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. She is also the author of "21 Pounds in 21 Days," which debuted #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list. She is a registered nurse, colonic therapist and naturopathic doctor. She travels across the country helping people to make their lives better and healthier via natural health sciences. For more information on her book, products and services visit

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Love Letter to Cancer Patients

Getting a cancer diagnosis is probably one of the most devastating things a person has to experience. I can only imagine what a person who has heard the words, "You've got cancer." must feel, but that doesn't mean I can't sympathize with the situation and tell you that I love you.

You read all of the time about people telling you how to cope with cancer and what your treatment options are, so I'm not going to do that. What I am going to do is to tell you that you are on my heart and on my mind, and I promise to say a prayer for you every day that you will be strengthened by this journey you're on.

My father, Willie, was having some issues with his stomach late last year. His doctors believed he had some blockage in his intestines, so they decided to do surgery to see what they could find. Well, they found something, and what they found was not promising. Daddy had a cancerous tumor that was blocking his colon.

A Love Letter to Cancer Patients

I remember vividly sitting in the waiting room during his surgery and the doctor coming out, stone-faced, and I stood to my feet. We were expecting to hear that his surgery had gone well and the blockage had been removed. Dr. Ward looked us squarely in the eyes and said, "We've found cancer." My stepmother immediately started crying, but not me.

If there is one thing I know, I know that God is able. And as if that weren't already enough, I know my dad is a trooper. I instantly thought that if anyone could get the diagnosis and beat it, surely, it was him. We affectionately call him "The Bull" because of his rough and tough exterior, but inside he's just a sweet little pony. (smile)

I can't say that my heart didn't skip a beat when the doctor told us the news, but I can tell you a few things grounded me in that instance. First, my faith. Then, my love for my dad and his zest for life.

I didn't flinch as I asked the physician, "So, what's next?" He said, "Well, I believe I've removed all of it, and it doesn't look like it has spread. But, we won't know for sure until we receive the tests back from the lymph nodes we took in the surrounding area. That could take up to a week." Then, he reassured us Daddy was doing well from surgery and was in recovery.

I'm happy to say The Bull's story ends well. The cancer hadn't spread, and he would be fine. But had his tummy not been bothering him, we probably would have not known cancer was alive and well inside his body until it was too late.

I know everyone's story doesn't end like his. And I didn't tell you that to make you feel bad if your experience isn't looking like it will end well. What I do want to offer you is hope. Hope and belief that even if cancer costs you your life, that other good things may come from it like how something like this pulls and welds families together.

So, if you're living with cancer or experienced it the way I have, through a loved one, a diagnosis doesn't have to be the end. Everything happens for a reason. Whatever season you're in with this disease, please know that my heart goes out to you.

And please also know that just as I ached for my father's well-being, I ache for yours. My prayer is that a cure will be found to stave off this disease once and for all. But until it is discovered, take heart that someone out there loves you and is praying on your behalf. May God bless you and your family as you navigate the rough waters of a cancer diagnosis. I love you. Take care.

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Nicole enjoys spending time with her son, Jordan and her husband, Muri. She is also very passionate about helping people with their fight against cancer, either by assisting them with their prescription costs or offering an alternative to traditional health insurance. If you would like more information about how you can receive FREE cancer meds or if you're interested in reducing your medical bills by up to 50%, please contact Nicole.


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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What You Should Know About Colon Ulcers

A colon ulcer is a sore that appears inside the lining of a person's colon. Often people who have a colon ulcer will suffer from bleeding and infection and as a result of this inflammation the cells within the colon begin to deteriorate. Unfortunately a colon ulcer may be the first signs of a much more serious condition known as Ulcerative Colitis or Colon Cancer or even Crohn's Disease (an inflammatory bowel disease).

So if you have at some time suffered from at least one colon ulcer and are now starting to experience unusually severe abdominal pain, constant fevers, loss of weight, loss of appetite and fatigue then it would be wise to make an appointment to see your doctor. Although these are common symptoms of a colon ulcer they could also lead to the diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. As yet it can not be proven what actually causes this condition, but doctors have certainly found that the immune system is affected. For many people suffering from colon ulcers they can be treated with drugs which puts the condition into remission or for the more severe cases then surgery may be the best course of action.

A very small percentage of people who are diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis are at risk of developing colon cancer in the future even if pre-cancerous cell are not found that the time of them being tested for a possible colon ulcer. Also it will depend on how severe the damage is to your colon and the more severe the damage then the chances of developing colon cancer is increased. However, a doctor can carry out a colonoscopy which can determine at any time if you have any pre-cancerous cells present in your colon. So the earlier that this cancer can be diagnosed then it will make it easier for it to be treated effectively.

What You Should Know About Colon Ulcers

Now we are going to look at Crohn's Disease which is an inflammation of the bowel and is very much like Ulcerative Colitis but can cause a lifetime of discomfort and complications to the person affected. As yet there has been no definitive evidence as to what causes this disease, but in most cases where people have been diagnosed with this disease it has been found that someone in the family also suffers from an inflammatory bowel disease as well. Yet again this form of disease can be treated with either drug therapy, surgery or them having a more restrictive diet.

So for anyone who is diagnosed with a colon ulcer it is advisable that they get a thorough examination carried out by their doctor in order to check to make sure that there aren't any more serious conditions involved. Also by diagnosing the condition of a colon ulcer earlier on then you will find that recovery from such an ulcer will be much easier.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

What is Colon Inflammation?

Despite the body's competence to maintain the integrity of the epithelium, the intestine is vulnerable to breaches that can trigger inflammatory responses. Induction of a localized intense inflammatory response is needed to entail disruption or invasion of the epithelial barrier. The onset and period of an chronic inflammatory response is limited, yet in some instances persistent immune activation promotes intense intestinal inflammation, resulting in detrimental pathological consequences.

Inflammation is defined as the composition of immunologic events in response to a variety of damaging stimuli, including tissue injury and infection. The signature clues of extreme local inflammation are swelling, heat, pain, redness, and loss of function. Colon inflammation is characterized by infiltration of the mucosa by leukocytes, damage to the epithelium and lamina propria matrix, and loss of normal nutrient absorptive function. Although extreme inflammation is primarily focused on resolution of a local event, the process is also accompanied by a systemic chronic phase response, which is mediated by the action of cytokines produced within the mucosa that diffuse through the vasculature. As a matter of fact, the structure of events characteristic of colon inflammation involve local vasodilation of small vessels within the mucosa, chemotatic signaling and recruitment of circulating leukocytes, and subsequent leukocytic infiltration and activation that ultimately promotes resolution of the inciting event and promotes tissue healing.

An acute colorectal inflammatory response can be triggered by multiple stimuli. In the gastrointestinal tract, stimuli include infectious pathogens, chemical irritation, and food allergy. In addition, an effective iatrogenic factors of mucosal inflammation include radiation damage, drug reactions, ischemia, and treatment-induced pathology, such as pseudomembranous colitis and ulceration induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) agents. While the mechanisms of action of factors forming intestinal inflammation are not absolutely understood, several common features and mediators of severe intestinal inflammation have been identified.

What is Colon Inflammation?

Acute colorectal inflammation developes as a result of persistent immune response, either due to continual presence of an antigen or dysregulation of the immune response. While neutrophils play a central role in severe inflammation, intensification and activation of T cells and macrophages is the commomly known of extreme intestinal inflammation. Initially the insult is contained, neutrophils are no longer recruited, and their presence is diminisheddiminished. If the site becomes chronically inflamed, monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells predominate in the lesion. The monocytes and macrophages provide two vital functions during the severe state. In the beginning, they phagocytose remaining debris or pathogens unattended by the neutrophils, and second, they modulate T cell function through antigen presentation and cytokine secretion.

Inflammation inside the gut develops as an outcome of interactions between somatic intestinal cells, such as IEC and fibroblasts, and effect or cells of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. These interactions are mediated by both soluble factors and cell-to-cell contact. Extreme colorectal inflammation is either resolved or develops into extreme intestinal inflammatory reactions, which can result in fibrosis and loss of function. Understanding the molecular and cellular events in intestinal inflammation aids in efforts to develop new approaches to control the pathologic effects of inflammation.

Most people probably heard about an annual medical checkups after the age of 40 for colon cancer. Prevention is always way better than a cure, why wait till age 40 for colon screening if there are historic cancer trends within family history. As a matter of fact, ensuring the colon is performing at healthy condition is highly essential. Chronic inflammation could already occur inside your colon without you realizing it.

In conclusion, this is trigger by a cumulative of harmful toxins inside the colon. In addition, an excessive infestation of harmful bacteria & other micro organism are causing oxidative stress in your colon which will ultimately lead to colon inflammation. Colon cleansing is worth considering if you are new or just learn about this remedy. Always use only natural product while performing colon cleansing.

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