Friday, December 21, 2012

Discover Why Doctors Think Seaweed Can Help Cure Cancer!

What's in the SEAWEED that's helping so many cancer sufferers and attracting scientists world-wide?


"Things I can only explain as miracles are happening right in front of my eyes right now," he continued.

"Last year, I recommended it to my recurrent lung cancer patient, and my thoughts about cancer treatment completely changed. Because the patient was very old, any more treatment would only have done more damage to him, and he was dying very fast. But 3 months after he was admitted to my hospital, his cancer cells were completely gone. That's not all. He is now living a healthy life with the rest of his friends. If I had him treated under modern medical care, I might have extended his life a little longer, but, frankly, I am not sure if he could've ever lived a healthy life again." Dr. Ando raised his voice overwhelmed with emotion.

Discover Why Doctors Think Seaweed Can Help Cure Cancer!

Medical professionals and scientists around the world are excited to finally discover the 3,000 year old secret of life saving gift, from the ocean, the 'fucoidan'.

Despite the rapid growth of the modern medicine, there are still many diseases that the doctors don't have treatments for. Amongst these many difficult to treat diseases, the #1 issue is the CANCER.

The reason cancer cells are so deadly is because they do not die. Our body is made up of about 60,000,000,000,000 cells. Old cells die, and new cells are born. This is normal. And this normal dying process is called, 'APOPTOSIS,' meaning programmed cell death. However, unlike the normal cells, cancer cells do not die. They don't have apoptosis. They live and multiply forever.

Then in 1996, a miraculous substance called fucoidan from seaweed was first introduced at the 55th Japan Cancer Convention. It was reported that fucoidan causes apoptosis to cancer cells without affecting the normal cells.

The idea of using seaweed to prevent or treat diseases goes back at least as far as ancient Egypt. What's so great about seaweed? Evidence shows that ancient Egyptians used seaweed to treat breast cancer. Much more recently, scientists have theorized that seaweed in the Japanese diet might be an important reason postmenopausal Japanese women have only one-ninth the amount of breast cancer as do women in the United States.

So far there are about 659 studies on fucoidan that can be found in
Here are 2 briefs.

(1) In a study done at Fukuoka University, Japan, researchers discovered that fucoidan inhibited the invasion of cancer cells. They discovered that fucoidan specifically inhibited the attachment of cancer cells to laminin.

(2) In the Laboratory de Pharmacologie Marine, in Nantes, France, researchers studied the anti-tumor and anti-proliferative properties of fucoidan extracts from brown sea plants. They discovered that fucoidan exerts a reversible antiproliferative activity in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Their study also showed anti-tumor activity in mice bearing non-small-cell bronchopulmonary carcinoma cancer. Their study indicates that fucoidan exhibits inhibitory effects both in vitro and in vivo as a potent anti-tumor agent.

Fucoidan is a complex polysaccharide composed largely of fucopyranoside and natural sulfate found in certain brown seaweeds. Researches indicate that the higher the sulfate group counts in a plant, the higher its therapeutic potential.

Following is the clinical results from Dr. Akira, MotoKuniribkushu Cancer Center in Japan. (The percentages show either total disappearance of cancer cells or reduction by more than half since taking Fucoidan.)

Cancer of tongue 83%

Breast Cancer 78%

Cancer of Pharynx 81%

Uterine Carcinoma 72%

Esophageal Cancer 84%

Ovarian cancer 58%

Stomach Cancer 84%

Pancreatic cancer 48%

Colon Cancer 80%

Leukemia 84%

Prostatic Cancer 73%

Lung Cancer (adenocarcinoma) 75%

Bladder tumor 72%

Lung Cancer(small cell carcinoma) 79%

Based on more than 30 years of studies on fucoidan, an American company, The Limu Company, spent millions of dollars and decades of research to develop a chemical free extraction process. And the product is called the original limu which constitutes 83% fucoidan.

It has been featured in ABC News, CBS News, FOX news, and NBC news. It was also appeared in Natural Health, Health and Fitness, the press of Atlantic City, BIOMED business journal, and USA Today.

If you are interested in finding out more about this amazing discovery, you should visit and []

Lastly, Jane Teas, a pathobiologist with the USC School of Medicine, said that some studies are looking at seaweed as a possible treatment or preventive for other ailments, including colon cancer, HIV infection and avian flu.

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William Seo is a medical intern, internet marketer, a husband of beautiful wife, and a father of two cutest daughters.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The One Minute Cure Review - Dealing With Cancer Guide a Scam?

Does The One Minute Cure Therapy really work, or is it actually a scam? This guide's creator claims that this therapy has actually been proven to be able to cure and prevent almost all forms of diseases, as unbelievable as that may sound. He also claims that the method is currently being hidden from being accessed to the public by agencies and enterprises who want to protect their own financial interests. So can this therapy really cure diseases such as AIDs and cancer?

1. What Is The One Minute Cure All About?

This guide describes a therapy that only requires only 1 minute a day to use. So far, scientific research has shown that there have been no diseases that do not respond well to this form of treatment. It delivers oxygen atoms from a person's bloodstream into his or her body's tissues and cells through a natural and safe oxygenating product. Best of all, there have been no known risks associated with The One Minute Cure.

The One Minute Cure Review - Dealing With Cancer Guide a Scam?

2. Why Is The One Minute Cure System Hated By So Many Health Companies?

This form of therapy may potentially be banned by enterprises soon, just like other forms of affordable medicine that have been banned before. The reason is that companies will always seek to protect their earnings, and this includes health care companies. One Minute Cure is an easy and affordable way for anyone suffering from diseases like cancer to cure themselves or their loved ones before it is taken out of the industry.

3. Does The One Minute Cure Therapy Really Work?

After reading through this guide and learning the therapy method inside, I managed to persuade my uncle who was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis to use it. The therapy had an almost instant effect, and his health condition started to get much better as the weeks went by.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Colon Cancer Treatment

Treatment Options

Colon and colorectal cancer treatment options depend on a number of factors. These include the anatomical location, the stage of the colon cancer and the patient's overall and general health.

The accepted standard treatment options for colon and rectal cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Biological therapy is an additional colon cancer treatment option, and usually used in conjunction with other treatments. Surgery is sometimes combined with chemo and radiation therapy.

Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon Surgery

The most common treatment for colon cancer and the primary treatment for most patients is colon surgery. Once the cancer is located, surgery is performed to remove that section of the colon. The remaining sections are then reattached. In the case of rectal cancer the surgical resection may follow chemotherapy and irradiation treatment.


Chemotherapy, sometimes called chemo, is used to treat cancer using specific chemical agents or drugs that are selectively destructive to malignant cells.

Chemotherapy is usually started about a month after colon surgery.
For patients with colon it can be used alone. It is often used in combination with radiation therapy for rectal cancer patients. Chemotherapy is often recommended for stage 2 colon, and usually for stage 3 and stage 4 colon cancer.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, often referred to as radiotherapy, is treatment of disease using x-rays or radioactive substances.

The radiotherapy uses X-rays to kill cancer cells that remain after surgery or shrink large tumors before an operation, thus enabling easier removal. The aim is to destroy or cause damage to the tumor causing only minimal harm to the healthy surrounding tissues.

Biological Therapy

Biotherapy, also referred to as immunotherapy, uses the body's immune system to find and destroy cancer cells in the body.

Biological therapy has contributed to the colon cancer treatment and outcomes have improved with the use of biological agents. These therapies can be used to repair, stimulate and enhance the anticancer functions in the natural immune system. Biotherapy, an optional treatment, can be used after surgery and in combination with other cancer treatments.



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Colon Cancer Treatment

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Foods Are Good For a Healthy Colon?

We all must have heard "We are what we eat". If we eat healthy food then surely we will lead a healthy life however failing which we may need to face some ups and downs every now and then besides visiting the doc occasionally. In this article we are going to talk about foods good for healthy colon. Fiber is undoubtedly the ultimate health food and it is a known fact that it is known to increase intestinal bulk for the following purposes:

Elimination of constipation

Promotion of weight loss by decreasing appetite and improving the absorption

What Foods Are Good For a Healthy Colon?

Prevention of colon cancer

Lowering the cholesterol

Helping in the treatment of IBS and diverticulosis

Many people especially in the United States of America including the ones who claim to be on healthy diets fail to achieve the minimum levels of recommended fiber in the diet that has been set to 20 - 35 grams per day for adults. This is why people fall prey to colon cancer, as the staple food to fight against colon cancer is a good fiber diet. That is one of the best foods good for healthy colon.

One of the convenient foods good for healthy colon is a good quality psyllium supplement as it is a source of soluble fiber and found in grains like oats and barley. In fact psyllium has notably higher portions of fiber compared to oat bran.

One of the other foods good for healthy colon Is a good fiber supplement containing herbs which offer insoluble fiber and gently clean the digestive track while promoting quick elimination of the waste in the body. On passing through the system the insoluble fiber cleans the colon's lining helping dislodging toxins and other dry and old fecal stuff.

Colonix Intestinal Cleanser is simply the most effective, best tasting and safest fiber supplement on the market today!

There are other nutritious foods that are good for a healthy colon. You can consume food such as fresh or frozen vegetables and they are a good way to add supplements to your dietary fiber. They are natural, don't cost too much and are easily available besides maintaining your body as a whole. What more could you expect?

Usually foods good for healthy colon are void of animal matter so it means being a vegetarian does make sense here. Vegetables and fruits can be really colon friendly and can be processed or even digested by the body with ease.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Causes of High White Blood Cell Count

There are several possible causes for a high white blood cell count. This count is high when there are more disease-fighting cells in your body. The technical term for this condition is leukocytosis.

Different medical practices may have different limits by which they define high white blood cell count. A count of 10,500 leukocytes in one microliter of blood is widely accepted as a high count. The threshold may vary between sex and age.

White blood cells are categorized by five subtypes, and each type has a different activity in fighting disease. When you get the results of your white blood cell count, they will usually specify what the levels are of all the different types. Usually, a high count is only caused by an increase in one type of white blood cells.

Causes of High White Blood Cell Count

A high white blood cell count is indicative of an immune system problem that increases their production; a disease in your bone marrow that causes high blood cell production; a reaction to some drug that is used to enhance cell production; or the increase expected when your body is fighting off an infection.

There are some more specific reasons why your white blood cell count may be high:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer that lives in the bone marrow and blood. This disease is a rapidly progressive one. Children are more affected by this than any other type of cancer, although adults can develop the disease as well.

Drugs like epinephrine and corticosteroids can affect your white cell count.

Measles is an infection that affects mainly the respiratory tract. It is very contagious. The signs include skin rash, fever, sore throat, inflamed eyes, runny nose and cough. The measles vaccine is an excellent way to protect children against this disease, but outside of the civilized countries, many children are not vaccinated. This disease will spread rapidly among people who have not had the vaccination.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious type of arthritis from which you will experience joint damage and pain. It attacks your joints' lining and this causes swelling. In turn, that leads to throbbing, aching pain and possibly eventual deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis, also called RA, can make even the easiest of normal activities hard to accomplish.

Some of the other causes of high white blood cell count include:

Stress, be it emotional or physical
Tissue damage, like one receives with burns
Acute or chronic myelogenous leukemia
Chronic or acute lymphocytic leukemia
Whooping cough
Severe allergic reactions
Polycythemia vera
Other viral infections
Other bacterial infections

Causes of High White Blood Cell Count
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