Monday, July 30, 2012

Everybody Poops - What Your Poop May Be Trying to Tell You

I have to admit up front, this is going to be the crappiest article I've ever written.

You see, as I was walking my dogs Marty and Rosie the other day, it occurred to me that poop plays a huge role in my life. I'm not afraid to admit it. I pick up after my dogs every day, I scoop my cat's litter box every day (OK, not EVERY day, but it certainly feels that way), and I talk with my clients about their bowel movements. In fact, while I was in India this past summer, poop was actually the number one topic of conversation between my colleagues and me, as we compared notes on who had diarrhea and who was still healthy. I even remained on "poop watch," for several weeks after my return to the States, making sure that everything was OK (and thankfully, it was!)

Colon Rectal Cancer

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So, if you are a pet owner, parent, health care professional, or world traveler, you probably know what I mean!

Everybody Poops - What Your Poop May Be Trying to Tell You

But many people don't get to talk about poop as much as I do. I know this because when I ask people about their poop, I often get blank stares and uncomfortable looks. So, I let's talk about all of the questions that people want answered but are usually afraid to ask. After all, your poop is an important indicator of your overall health!

What is Poop?

Have you ever wondered what poop actually is? About 75% of your average poop is water, although this will vary depending on the person. Water is absorbed out of fecal material as it passes through the large intestine, so the longer you take to "go," the drier your poop will be.

The remaining 25% is comprised of dead bacteria that helped us digest our food, living bacteria, protein, undigested food residue (also known as fiber), waste material from food, cellular linings, fats, cholesterol, salts, protein, and substances released from the liver and the intestines (such as mucus).

What Makes a Healthy Poop?

Your feces are a clear indicator of the health of your gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Mehmet Oz says, "At the end of the day you can analyze your body really effectively by looking at what comes out of your body."

So what should you look for? A healthy poop will be:
Golden brown, which is due to pigments formed by the bacteria in the gut and bile from the liver. You want to make sure the color is normal because that tells you a lot about what's going on in your gastrointestinal tract (more on color below). Formed into one long shape. Dr. Michael Levitt, an Australian colorectal surgeon who has written a book called The Bowel Book, says that the healthy human stool resembles the shape and consistency (although not the same color) of an unripe banana. Dr. Oz says " You don't want [pieces]." Some experts disagree, saying they don't have to be well- formed. Patrick Donovan, N.D., a naturopath in Seattle, WA says "Stools don't have to be well- formed logs. They can disperse in the toilet water; they can break down." Nearly odorless. About 1 to 2 inches in diameter and 18 inches long.
What About Other Colors?

Sometimes we don't see that "golden guru," and are faced with something else instead. Here's some insight into what those other colors might mean.
Black: Feces can be black if dried blood is present in it from internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract. See a doctor if this is the case. Very Dark Brown: Drinking wine the night before may result in dark brown poop. This could also be the result of eating too much salt, or not enough vegetables. Yellow: One condition that can cause yellow poop is an infection known as giardia, a dangerous infection that can spread to others. Another cause of yellow poop may be a condition known as Gilbert's syndrome. See your doctor if you are consistently seeing yellow poop. Green: Babies often have green poop when they are given food for the first time. Children may have green or blue poop from certain illnesses or from ingesting food colorings. Adults may also have green poop if they eat large amounts of green, leafy vegetables or if they eat large amounts of foods with green food coloring. Light green poop may indicate excessive sugar in the diet. Green feces can also occur with diarrhea if bile salts pass through the intestine unchanged. Again, see a doctor if you are concerned! White/pale: Feces can appear white or pale after drinking barium sulfate, which is often given to patients getting an X-ray of the digestive tract. A white or pale stool may also be an indication of problems with the gallbladder or liver. Red: Bright red in the feces may be indicative of active bleeding, possibly the result of hemorrhoids. A magenta color may result form eating intense red food coloring, or red foods such as beets.
How Often Should I Poop?

Ah - the big question! Experts disagree on how often a person should poop. The National Institute for Diabetes, Kidney, and Digestive Diseases says three times a week is normal and healthy for some people. According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, once a day is ideal. Other experts advocate once or twice a day, while still others say a person should have a bowel movement within two to three hours of a major meal- -or two to three times a day. So you can see that it really depends on who you talk to. My personal opinion is that you above all want to be regular in your pooping schedule, and that one poop a day is ideal.

When someone poops four times a day or more and the poop has a liquid consistency, this is referred to as diarrhea. When someone poops less than two or three days a week and the poop is hard, dry, and difficult to pass, this is known as constipation.

What's the Deal with Corn?

It's funny, so it's OK to laugh. But most people I know have experienced it and they ask why it is that when you eat corn, the next time you poop there it is again! There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that most of us do not thoroughly chew our food. Another interesting tidbit I've learned that there is an outer coating on corn that is made up of indigestible cellulose. This outer coating slips off the inner kernel and, since it's indigestible, passes through the gut intact. It then emerges looking like a whole kernel, even though it's just the outer skin. The inside of the kernel is starchy and digestible, and that is the part that we succeed in chewing and digesting.

Well, hopefully you know now a lot more about this important topic. And that's the scoop on poop!

Everybody Poops - What Your Poop May Be Trying to Tell You

The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Julia Kalish, eRYT-500 is a Certified Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher in Herndon, VA. She is the owner of Double Dog Yoga in Herndon, which specializes in beginner-level vinyasa yoga instruction in both small groups and one-on-one. Double Dog also offers classes for the experienced yoga practitioner at their Herndon location. To contact Julia, email her at, or visit her website at [] The content of this article may be used without special permission; provided it is used for nonprofit purposes and full attribution and contact information for Julia Kalish is given. For other purposes, contact Julia Kalish at

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Beat The Odds On Cancer - Two Time Survivor Tells You How Part One

In the year two thousand I self-administered a colo-rectal cancer test kit. It was as the result of a free program sponsored by Medicine Shoppes. A nice, pink postcard greeted me a few days later in my mail.

It was very matter of fact. It read...Your test came out positive;please see your local doctor...
I couldn't believe it. Not me! Healthy as a horse, full of energy and vitality, viral and robust there was no way I could have colon cancer.

Colon Rectal Cancer

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I ignored it as a scare tactic to sell me medication. Two weeks later reason reared its logical head and I decided to go to my local clinic. The Doctor did his proctology thing and told me there was no evidence of infection. However, he added, there are more thorough tests available and you should not rely on 'just this one'.

Beat The Odds On Cancer - Two Time Survivor Tells You How Part One

I wrestled with it for two more weeks and reason again raised its unwelcome head. I went to my own doctor and he gave me two alternatives, either of which should give me a definitive answer. A sigmoidiscopic examination (the sigmoid is the lower part of the large intestine) was cheaper (I had no insurance) and less invasive than a colonoscopy so I opted for it.
They gave me a happy shot and I laughed myself into la-la land.

Later. when I could focus, my doctor consulted my chart. He was short and to the point. "You have a tumor in the bend of the sigmoid (that's your large lower bowel)."

He paused and I waited...too stunned to ask the dreaded question. He said, "I have sent tissue to the lab but I can tell you right now it is malignant and needs your attention immediately."
To foreshorten this article I am a veteran of World WarII and Korea so I ended that day being accepted under the care of the Veteran's Administration.

The information from the medical team there was decisive and needed a no-nonsense answer now! I was informed I could take chemo and radiology which would force the tumor into remission but with no guarantee of terminating the murderous culprit. Or, I could let them use the knife and 'probably' forget the problem for the rest of my life.

I opted for the knife.
When I woke my Doctor happily informed me we had caught the tumor early enough so there was no further contamination in the lymph system. Chemo and radiology were unnecessary. They had taken a piece out of my colon about the length of my forearm and stitched me back together and I was good to go.

That was in 1988. I was free of cancer until the year 2000 when I again harbored the brutal cells...this time in my Prostate. And that lays the foundation for the second installment of the saga of a two-time cancer survivor. Look for the second half of this article within the next week or go to my website

Beat The Odds On Cancer - Two Time Survivor Tells You How Part One

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Anti-Cancer Tips

There are anti-cancer tips to help protect yourself and your family from the disease. Making healthy food choices, the beverages you drink and lifestyle habits may reduce your risk of getting cancer.

About one-third of all cancer deaths may be related to what we eat. Good nutrition promotes good health. Here are seven simple guidelines to help people eat a healthy diet.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Eat a Variety of Foods. it is important to eat a variety of foods each day to provide the nutrients a person needs. No one food can provide a complete nutritious diet. Food choices are fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, lean meats, poultry without skin, fish, dry peas and beans, low-fat dairy products.

Anti-Cancer Tips

Limit saturated fat and avoid trans-fat. The total amount of fat you eat, whether high or low, isn't really linked with disease. What really matters is the type of fat you eat. Saturated fats are found in animal products and processed foods, such as meats, dairy products, chips, and pastries. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are found in foods such as nuts, avocados, and olives. They are liquid at room temperature and differ from saturated fats in that their chemical structure contains double bonds.

Trans fat is created through a process called hydrogenation. More recently, University of Maryland researched Dr Mary Enig proved in 1978 that the increased cancer rates were directly associated with total fat intake and vegetable fat intake but not with consumption of animal fat. Dr Enig, who is a consultant clinician, specialising in nutrition has since spent the last 25 years warning of the dangers of trans fats and the relative safety of animal fats.

Foods that usually contain high levels of trans fats: Pastries and cakes French fries (unless fried in lard / dripping) Doughnuts Cookies / biscuits Chocolate Margarine Shortening Fried chicken Crackers Potato chips

Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber. A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer. It is now known that people can inherit the risk of developing colon cancer, but diet is important, too. There is a very low rate of colon cancer in residents of countries where grains are unprocessed and retain their fiber.

Avoid too much sugar. When you eat a lot of sugar, your body produces a lot of insulin. Insulin is a natural substance made by the body. Insulin can tell cells to grow. However, cancer cells can be encouraged to grow more, too, when our bodies produce too much insulin. So while some insulin in the body is normal, excess insulin may encourage cancer cells to grow more, which is not a good thing.

Avoid too much sodium. Our kidneys regulate the amount of sodium kept in our bodies. When levels are too high, it gets passed through our urine. But "if your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood," so we retain fluid, which increases blood volume. Along with cardiovascular risks, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that salted foods can increase cancer risks. A possible factor in this increase is the presence of nitrate and nitrite preservatives in salted foods.

Avoid alcoholic drinks. Heavy drinking combines with smoking is associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus and liver. This may be because alcohol can act as a solvent, helping harmful chemicals in tobacco to get into the cells lining the digestive tract. Alcohol may also slow down these cells' ability to repair DNA damage caused by chemicals in tobacco.

Anti-Cancer Tips

Our bodies are designed to defend itself against infections and heal itself naturally. Find out more ways of prevention and natural cure by clicking on this link: CANCER FREE.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to Know Whether You Have Colon Cancer Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Information You Need to Know

If you start noticing a change in your bowel habits, believe it or not you want it to be IBS if it's going to be an ongoing issue. Colon Cancer and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) both have closely related symptoms and can leave you in bad shape when it comes to how you feel. The largest difference between the two is obviously that the Cancer will kill you if it's not taken care of.

Most Doctors will agree that IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Basically what this means is that after every other thing has been tested and you are showing to have an otherwise healthy colon, this is the last thing you will be diagnosed with.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Colon Cancer affects over 100,000 new people each year and has roughly a 33% mortality rate each year as well. The key being that you want to find the disease before it has a chance to spread.

How to Know Whether You Have Colon Cancer Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Information You Need to Know

IBS is a more common disease that affects your bowel habits and can mimic the same symptoms as the cancer. Loose stools (diarrhea), constipation, pencil thin stools, frequent defecation.

Because these are so similar, many Doctors will run extensive tests to make sure there is no tumors in your large intestine which is mainly done through what is known as a colonoscopy. This is where a long snake like hose is inserted through the rectum and travels through the large intestine in search for abnormalities and other differences in structure.

These are easy procedures to have done as you are normally sedated. The key is to not be scared to talk with your Doctor if you notice any of the symptoms above.

How to Know Whether You Have Colon Cancer Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Information You Need to Know

Want to know the other symptoms of Colon Cancer? Visit and find out this information to ensure you don't have this horrible disease!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Don't Give Up Hope If You Reach This Stage Of Colon Cancer

Once colon cancer reaches the level of stage 4, this is the point, statistically, when the rates of survival decrease rapidly. The average five-year survival rate at this stage tends to be around 20 to 30 percent. Whilst these figures make the outlook look bad, an end to all hope should not be dismissed with stage 4 colon cancer. The importance of screening and early detection at this time is paramount.

If stage 4 colon cancer has been diagnosed, this means that the cancer has now manifested itself in other parts of the body. It is almost certain that the cancer has invaded the lymph node system and could possibly be found in the liver, lungs, bones and even the brain. Even at this stage, it is still possible for people to live past the projected five-year period. It all depends on the location of the spread of the stage 4 colon cancer. However, overall, the prognosis for stage 4 survival is not overly optimistic.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Even now, when stage 4 colon cancer has been diagnosed, there are several medical procedures and treatments that can be used to lessen symptoms. In areas where tumors can be removed, surgery can be performed to remove these tumors. If surgery isn't an option, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often used to help. Whilst there may not be a 'cure' for stage 4 colon cancer, doctors strive to help those diagnosed to live their lives, if not a little longer, then at least a little more comfortably.

Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Don't Give Up Hope If You Reach This Stage Of Colon Cancer

Prevention is of paramount importance in ensuring that people do not end up with stage 4 colon cancer. This in itself is not going to prove 100% effective for everyone, but to help avoid this cancer, here are a few things that people can do:

Reduce the risks. Not all of the risks can be removed. Some can though, and they simply involve changing your lifestyle habits. Smoking, over indulgence of alcohol and a diet that is high in fat and low in fiber are all risks that can be eliminated. Other personal risk factors that can be addressed are obesity and lack of exercise.

Undertake a screening program. The normal check up procedure of screening starts around the age of 50. However, if the risks are deemed high in a person, then screening will start at an earlier stage. Both men and women are prone to colon cancer, so both can expect to have their physicians request screening exams every few years.

The importance of screening programs and risk reduction are highlighted by the fact that symptoms of colon cancer do not generally appear until the later stages. The best form of defense can be installed by making these two things a priority. By doing so, one can help to reduce the chances of stage 4 colon cancer forming.

Stage 4 colon cancer is not good and if diagnosed with this cancer, it doesn't mean that all hope is lost. With the proper medical treatment and care, the chances of beating the five-year survival rate could be improved. Avoiding this situation in the first place by employing the combination of preventative measures and undergoing regular screenings is obviously the best step to take. These actions alone won't guarantee that you won't reach stage 4 colon cancer, but they will help in decreasing the chances for advancement of the colon cancer.

Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Don't Give Up Hope If You Reach This Stage Of Colon Cancer

Would you be able to recognise any of the signs or symptoms of colon cancer? For a wide range of information about colon cancer visit RIGHT NOW. It could literally mean the difference between life and death.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

What Causes Pain Below The Rib Cage?

The words pain below the rib cage can mean several different things, and it's important to make a distinction. In this article, we'll consider the words pain below the rib cage to mean pain in the physical area often called the stomach or abdomen. We will not cover possibilities like heart disease and lung cancer, which occur inside the rib cage in the upper part of the chest. Technically speaking, you could say these disorders cause pain below the rib cage too, but that's not the meaning we'll employ here.

The area below the rib cage that's generally described as the stomach or the "belly" is packed with organs, tissues and muscles. So when you have discomfort in this area, it might be caused by one of dozens of possibilities. Stomach pain under the ribs may simply result from indigestion: a dose of antacids might be all you need to feel better. On the other hand, stomach pain under the rib cage could be a symptom of something serious like an ulcer or stomach cancer. Fortunately, stomach cancer is relatively rare today in the U.S. and many other countries. But hundreds of thousands of people certainly suffer from painful stomach ulcers.

Colon Rectal Cancer

Gallbladder problems are likely to cause pain below the rib cage. The most common gallbladder disorders are gallstones and gallbladder attacks, which typically cause abdominal distress but may also radiate to the right shoulder or even the middle of the upper back. Gallbladder attacks often occur after you've eaten a big meal - especially one that includes a lot of fat - because your gallbladder can't process an overload of cholesterol. It becomes inflamed and irritated, which is the cause of the pain.

What Causes Pain Below The Rib Cage?

Pancreatitis is another possible cause of pain below the rib cage. Your pancreas is also involved in digestion, so you'll have pain in the upper abdomen if your pancreas isn't functioning properly.

There are many digestive problems involving the colon and intestines: a colon infection, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or one of several other colon-related problems. Unfortunately, colon cancer is a possibility too.

If you have pain below the rib cage at the same time you have pain in the back or sides, it could be caused by kidney stones. Generally, kidney stone pain occurs in the back, but sometimes it radiates to the abdomen and even down into the upper thighs.

Injury or illness affecting the spine can cause pain below the rib cage too. If you damage a disc, for instance, you may feel pain all the way around to the front of your body. Pain sometimes travels along the nerve pathways, so it's possible to "feel" pain away from the actual source of the problem. This is known as referred pain. When this happens, you usually feel numbness, tingling, and a "pins and needles" sensation.

Strained muscle and ligaments can also be a source of pain in the stomach area. This can be caused by exercising too much or not warming up enough before you exercise. There's also a condition called a side stitch which is characterized by sharp pain under the rib cage. A side stitch, as the name implies, often happens on one side or the other. The medical name for this condition is exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). It has not been scientifically established why so many people get a side stitch during exercise, but it certainly can be painful.

Many of the problems mentioned above can happen in the stomach area, or on either side. But if you have pain on the right side under the ribcage, it's possible you have liver trouble. The liver is situated on the right side under the ribs.

In conclusion, this article has been intended briefly list and describe some of the possible causes of pain under the rib cage. But always remember that only a doctor is qualified to make a diagnosis. Pain is often just one symptom that something is wrong. Your doctor will need to evaluate all your symptoms to help him or her come up with the answers you need to get relief.

What Causes Pain Below The Rib Cage?

For more information on this and related topics, click on rib pain. For answers to your questions about pain under the ribs in the chest and upper trunk area, and pain under the ribs.

Neal Kennedy is a former radio and TV journalist with a special interest in medical topics.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Four Major Phases of Tumor Formation

To summarize, there are four major phases of tumor formation. Each phase can take years to complete. The first one alone usually takes anywhere from 15 to 30 years.

The first phase occurs when normal cells mutate into tumor cells and begin dividing out-of-control. This may take place over successive generations of cells. When just the right mutations occur, the cells will divide and grow to a small tumor.

Colon Rectal Cancer

The second phase is called Carcinoma in situ. This phase is classified by the presence of a cancerous tumor that has not yet invaded other tissues. This phase usually lasts between 5-10 years and is limited by the nutrient flow to the tumor. If blood vessels can be induced to grow into the tumor (angiogenesis), the tumor will progress to the next phase, called the invasive stage.

Four Major Phases of Tumor Formation

The invasive phase can happen rapidly, requiring only a few months. However, in some cases it may take up to five years. This phase is dependent on the ability of the tumor to invoke nearby blood vessels to grow toward it and provide it with nutrients - commonly referred to as angiogenesis.

Metastasis, or dissemination to other tissues if the final phase. This phase has the same time period as the invasive phase, ranging from a few months to five years.

At each phase, the cancer can either progress further or altogether diminish. If you add each phase up, the average for the cell mutating events and cancer diagnosis is 20-50 years apart. This is why cancer mostly affects older people. Actually, half of all cancers are diagnosed after the age of 65.

A Few Checks and Balances...

- Mutations must occur, but the cell must still live and divide.

- DNA repair mechanisms must not be activated.

- Our own immune system must not find the tumor and destroy it.

- The tumor must get enough nutrients to continue to grow.

Four Major Phases of Tumor Formation

Please review free cancer prevention articles written by knowledgeable scientists and doctors at… Cancer Prevention Report -- Our health is our most precious asset.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vitamin B Functions - Sources and Deficiencies

Vitamin B refers to a group of 8 vitamins. They are vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (Biotin), vitamin B8 (myo-inositol), vitamin B9 (Folic acid) and vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). Vitamin B plays a significant role in cell metabolism. At initial phase, scientists consider it is an individual vitamin much like we call vitamin A or vitamin C. However later in time, several scientific researches proved that they are cluster of chemically distinctive vitamins that may coexist in certain foods. Nutritional supplements containing all of the eight vitamins are referred to as vitamin B complex. On the other hand, nutritional supplement consisting of single vitamin B component is referred to specific name.

Vitamin B Functions

Colon Rectal Cancer

Vitamin B functions effectively for providing a whole host of health benefits. It maintains and boost up the metabolism rate. It also aids in maintaining healthy skin and offers flexibility in the muscle tone. Vitamin B functions well in managing a healthy immune system and it also offers a hale and hearty nervous system functioning. Vitamin B affects cell division and cell metabolism. It also affects the production of red blood cells. A deficiency in vitamin B may lead to anemia. Vitamin B complex is essential for fighting against different symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin B Functions - Sources and Deficiencies

All of the B vitamins are water soluble; however, a six year of vitamin B12 storage was seen in the liver, regardless of its water soluble nature.

Vitamin B Sources

The supply of vitamin B is abundant in nature. You can easily add it in your diet list. The natural sources may include potatoes, chili peppers, bananas, liver oil, tuna, lentils, tempeh, turkey and liver. Molasses and nutritional yeast are known sources of vitamin B.

Vitamin B Deficiencies

Inadequate supply of sufficient B-vitamins may lead to vitamin B deficiencies. It may cause different types of health complications. Lack of Thiamin or vitamin B1 may cause Beriberi. The typical symptoms may include weakness, disorder in nervous system, significant weight loss, irregular heart beat, and edema. Vitamin B deficiencies may also result in ariboflavinosis. Poor supply of vitamin B2 in diet may cause this complication. The common symptoms may include hypersensitivity to sunlight, edema, cheilosis, hyperemia and oral mucosa. Pellagra is another health complications occurred as a result of vitamin B deficiencies.

Niacin plays a major role here. Lack of niacin in regular diet may ensure the possibility of this health complication. Common symptoms may include aggression, dermatitis, confusion, insomnia and diarrhea. In severe cases, pellagra may cause mortality also.

Not so common in every day practice, but a deficiency in Pantothenic acid may cause vitamin B deficiencies. It may result in acne and paresthesia. A lack in pyridoxine supply may lead to a whole host of health complications. All of these complications are known health complications arising from vitamin B deficiencies. The common complications are depression, mood disorder, hypertension, anemia, water retention, and increased level of homocysteine. Inadequate supply of Biotin may result in vitamin B deficiencies that largely affect infants. It may lead to developmental disorder and neurological disorder among children. Folic acid deficiency may lead to an increased level of homocysteine, which may lead to birth defects during pregnancy. Deficiency in vitamin B12 may result in megaloblastic anemia, memory loss and cognitive decline.

Several studies are going on in the support of possible health benefits provided by vitamin B supplements. Studies reveal that folic acid may be found beneficial in preventing birth defects and combating against colorectal cancer. Additionally, it is documented that high levels of folate in combination with other vitamin supplements may actually reduce the risk of breast cancer. Typically clinical trials put emphasis on the combination of folate and vitamin B6 that are helpful in minimizing the potential risk factors triggering breast cancer. It is naturally available in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus.

Vitamin B Functions - Sources and Deficiencies

For more helpful information read about Home Remedies at Herbal Remedies website. Also read about Breast Enlargement Products.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Stress and Colon Cancer

Stress is an integral part of most people's lives. But when that stress becomes distress, it can have serious effects on the efficiency of the colon, even to the point of it becoming cancerous.

Traumatic stress reduces the body's ability to protect itself from attack by infections, and from diseases such as colon cancer. When a trauma is experienced, the body has received a 'shock' from which it normally recovers. However, a stressful experience can have the effect of disabling the normal functioning of the body, so that specific organs, such as the colon, are attacked to the point where recovery is lessened. The immune system, which fights infection, is also weakened when you come under stress.

Colon Rectal Cancer

The colon responds strongly to various stimuli, like foods or stress; and while these do not bother most people, they can have a negative effect on others.

Stress and Colon Cancer

One of the organs that is vulnerable to disease is the colon. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is associated with stressful conditions, and if not treated, can lead to serious health problems.

In people with IBS, stress and other strong emotions can strongly affect the colon in a negative way. As with many other organs, it, too, has many nerves that connect it to the brain. The heart, lungs and colon are partly controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and this responds to stress. That's why when you are frightened, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, or you may gasp for breath. The colon also responds to stress.

Let me list some things that have been linked with a worsening of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms: eating large meals can lead to bloating from gas in the colon; having to take certain medicines; foods, such as, wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk products, or alcohol can exasperate the problem; drinks with caffeine in them, such as, coffee, tea, or colas; and the one we are concerned about in this brief article - situations of stress, living in the midst of conflict, or even emotional upsets, can all lead towards a worsening colon condition.

However, there is help available. You can inform yourself about this condition, and perhaps make simple life-style changes that could improve your health, and save you a lot of trouble in the future. Just click on the link below to see other actions you might be willing to take to spare you and your family unnecessary worry.

Stress and Colon Cancer

Click the following link for further information. Check it out for yourself. My name is Hazlett Lynch.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Colorectal Cancer Part 3: Must You Die if You Do Not Undergo Chemotherapy After Surgery?

Two people came to mind when I am writing this article on colorectal cancer. Let me relate their stories.

Story 1:

Colon Rectal Cancer

Mat (not real name) is a 45-year old professional who was diagnosed with Duke's C rectum cancer. Eight of 16 lymph nodes were involved. He had an operation and subsequently underwent chemotherapy with 5-FU + leucovorin. The first chemo-treatment made his life miserable due to severe side effects. He decided to opt out of chemotherapy and came to us for help. He was started on herbs and felt real good after that.

Colorectal Cancer Part 3: Must You Die if You Do Not Undergo Chemotherapy After Surgery?

Mat has a good friend who is a medical doctor. When his doctor-friend came to know that he had abandoned chemotherapy, he became agitated and came to see Mat and pleaded with him to continue with his chemo-treatment. According to this doctor-friend, what Mat did was wrong and he would not want to see his dearest friend die for nothing. He must go through the "proven path" of treatment. After all, to a medical doctor, herbal therapy is not definitive or scientifically proven.

Taken by his friend's sincere concern for him, Mat relented and resumed his chemotherapy. The second treatment caused just as severe side effects as before. He felt like dying. Then, he came to a realization and asked himself: "What am I doing to myself? I suffered so much undergoing a treatment which I was not sure would even help me. Why, oh why am I "killing" myself? Am I doing this to please my doctor-friend or am I doing this for myself?" Mat was awakened to this fact and decided that he would please himself over all others. He decided to stop further chemotherapy.

The decision Mat made weighed heavily on me. When he came to me, I made it explicitly clear that the decision to undergo chemotherapy or not must be entirely his own decision. I cannot make that decision for him. So, he probably had made his decision based on his own guts feeling and we have to respect that. It has been some years now and Mat is still doing alright. One might want to ask: "Would Mat survive the six or eight cycles of chemotherapy, given the fact that even the first two cycles already caused severe reactions?"

It is a standard practice or golden rule so to say, that after surgery, patients are asked to undergo chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Sometime, when the doctor does not think chemotherapy is indicated, the patients themselves do not feel safe.

Story 2:

It was on 29 July 2001, 9.30 p.m. I was on the phone talking to a lady from England. Her Malaysian-born sister had colon cancer sometime in March 1999. She underwent an operation. The doctor in UK said that since the cancer was at its early stage (Duke's 2), there was no need for her to do any chemotherapy. Not satisfied, she came to Singapore to see another oncologist. Since she was still young (46 years old) the oncologist recommended chemotherapy. This would be "safer" for her - preventive or insurance against possible problems later. So she underwent six cycles of chemotherapy in Singapore.

March 2000 -- a scan showed a 3 cm mass in her liver. She again came to Singapore. Further investigations by doctors in Singapore showed that there was also a 1 cm mass in the lung. The doctors recommended surgery for the liver and /or the lung. However, when the doctors opened up the abdomen, they saw numerous nodules in the peritoneum. The removal of the liver-lung was abandoned. The abdomen was closed back. She underwent another eight cycles of chemotherapy.
After the fourth chemotherapy the tumours decreased in size but subsequent chemotherapy did not show any further improvements. In short, chemotherapy did not achieve its intended purpose. She felt hopeless and decided to quit and returned to England.

She started on Gerson Therapy in Liverpool for five months. During that period the tumours had grown to twice their sizes. She then opted to participate in a clinical trial at one of London's top hospitals. She was again subjected to another eight cycles of chemotherapy.

29 July 2001 -- The purpose of the sister calling was to seek my help since there seems to be no other avenues left for her. Sometimes she was in pain, and she required sleeping pill.

This is the perception the world of today has with regards to cancer treatment. Chemotherapy is the answer and it must be done, otherwise you die from not doing it. With due respect, Mat's doctor-friend believed that chemotherapy is the only key to Mat's survival. Other ways are suspect and unreliable for lack of proof. So, Mat must go for chemotherapy or he will die. The truth is, Mat is still alive! But the lady from London, she was "emotionally a wreck " and died not long after her sister talked to me.

Colorectal Cancer Part 3: Must You Die if You Do Not Undergo Chemotherapy After Surgery?

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